Leonel gazed out of the shuttle windows with a serious expression. Even though they were now traveling several times faster than they had been in the jeep, the uneasy feeling in his heart refused to let up.

The shuttle was large and spacious. After all, it had carried six men to this place. Thanks to this, Aina was able to lie in the back, trying to get a grip on her injuries.

As for Leonel, he sat at the front, his wooden spear laying across his lap. However, the current spear was unlike it had been before.

Though it had been crude already, the current primitive spear was on the verge of collapse. It was cracked in many places and seemed it would splinter under the tiniest bit of force.

Leonel had a vague feeling that the moment the spear broke, he wouldn't be able to enter that state again…

'I need to remain calm. Panicking isn't going to help me.'

"Is there a GPS signal coming from this shuttle? If so, how do I turn it off?" Leonel asked.

He didn't know much about shuttles or cars, but what he did know was that if he could have this shuttle autopilot to a destination, it meant it had a GPS of some sort. In that case, it might very well be communicating with a larger hub. If that larger hub sent information about their whereabouts, it would only bring them more trouble.

Though the shuttle was far faster than the jeep, it would still take an estimated one hour to make it back to the Fort. That was long enough for a lot of things to happen.

[ *Ping* Yes. With Seed's current abilities, the only way to disengage this signal is by disassembling the shuttle. ]

an Engineering Professional. Plus, if he did, wouldn't that mean he would have to stop the

Aina, my combat sense is too poor. Without this spear, I would be finished. But, not only is it going to break soon, but

brows became locked in a

for his depleted spirit, even if the wererat made eye contact with him, he wouldn't have lost consciousness like that — though it helped him

him realize another thing: he was entirely reliant on his

make plans had taken a massive dip. With that, his combat prowess took an ever

can't fix all of these problems in a

there any way for me to recover

peak performance as quickly as possible. Then, he could make use of Dream World to dissect the things he learned from that primitive consciousness as quickly as possible. Even if they were headed toward

a sinking feeling that even if they

It has been deduced that Seed is practicing [Dimensional Cleanse] and has formed a One

Leonel's expression became weird.

technique. It shouldn't

come get me now!". Leonel couldn't blindly follow the dictionary if this was really its plan, or else

that there was no ability capable of knocking them out of the sky. As such, he didn't dare circulate his

than the norm. If he really did this, let alone the nine remaining A-grade Invalids of this Perimeter

it is likely that Seed is referring to Internal Sight also known by some as Soul Force. Calculating response…

the situation, Leonel might have blushed. He almost forgot that 'spirit' was just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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