Force howled around Leonel's body. A towering aura surged from him, causing the octopus to hesitate. Its tentacles continuously twitched as though sensing something more monstrous than itself was standing before it.

From its vantage point, it could barely see Leonel. Its eyes were too high and Leonel was too short. Such a bug should have been all too easy to kill. So, why was it feeling like this?

Aina laid on Leonel's back, her breathing incredibly steady. Though every time Leonel made a sudden movement, she would feel a jolting pain rampage across her body, she hadn't had the slightest change in expression, nor had she made the slightest sound.

But now, she was surprised once more. This form of intimidation was so potent.

'... However... He isn't yet strong enough to boast such an aura... After a while, the beast will just be more infuriated...'


Aina had hardly finished her thoughts when the roars of the octopus shook the surroundings once more.

The two tentacles closest to Leonel slammed toward him. Due to the size of the octopus, Leonel could only stand between the two of them.

"Pour your Force into the ax." Aina quickly said. "It has one main ability that can be used now, you've seen it before."

Leonel hadn't needed Aina to tell him this. He was already prepared.

His Force surged, causing the red glow of the battle ax to grow several times. An illusory blade extended from the ax's edge, expanding the size of the weapon by several fold.


A roar left Leonel's lips.

His body flexed as one. His Force was wild, but his muscles churned in a controlled rage as he swung down with all his might.

The extended blade pierced into the right tentacle by several meters, but failed to make it all the way through.

that time, the mournful howl of the octopus was followed by

nothing in this world that would have allowed Leonel to let such a thing happen. After all, Aina

the strength to sever the tentacle in one strike, he

though the massive ax was the hook of a rock climber, he pulled down hard, making use

hadn't accounted for just how slippery


like pincers. But, the impact caused Leonel, who had just barely regained his footing, to falter once more. And this time, he couldn't regain it in


side, the enraged and pained roars of the octopus playing as the backdrop to

was now within striking range of its third tentacle, the maddened beast didn't hesitate to

mind spun hard and his gaze

this, don't blame me for

even if it was a tentacle that he had just severely injured. If this beast grit its way through the pain, launching Leonel into

which is why he tested to see if he could sever a tentacle first. After he was forced to take such a risk, he wanted to run toward the octopus's head as quickly as possible. After all, even though this monster was large, it was still only 50 meters from edge to edge, and the distance from one tip of the tentacle to its head was barely 20 meters. In that case, Leonel could still cover the distance

be so slippery even to the point where he, who boasted maybe the highest coordination stat on Earth, stumbled around like a newborn

finished. But, Leonel's gaze was burning as bright as two

Leonel raised the ax once more, slicing into the already injured tentacle he

his falling and used the ax as a hook once

was a surfboard and its body was an ocean, he slid across it, leaving afterimages in his


couldn't grasp how it could accurately knock a ship flying in the air at 300 kilometers an hour, yet couldn't swat this annoying fly to death. It had yet to evolve to the point of understanding

to pay. He

fact his body was already reaching its limits. He couldn't afford to stay here any longer. Who knew if there was another monster like this lumbering

quickly as possible. So... He left

toward the octopus's head. However, he wasn't as weaponless as one would expect. Instead, a primitive spear had appeared in his hand, his aura rising and

excitement bubbling forth from its depths. But, Leonel couldn't afford to let the primitive consciousness possess

time it did, Leonel was already near the end of it. So... Though

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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