From the vantage point of the small troop, it was difficult to see Leonel from behind the water fountain. But, his bullets seemed to have eyes of their own.

Flying through the mermaid's arms, beneath the whale's fins, through the jets of water, he rained hails of lethals shots toward them as though he could see through everything.

Sometimes, his bullets even hit the statue. But, despite the sturdy material it was made of, they pierced right through. Leonel seemed to always perfectly aim toward the weakest and thinnest parts of the statue, tearing through it like tofu.


A commander roared, suddenly seeing his troop fall into turmoil. It had only been a few seconds, but over a dozen of his men had fallen, unable to rise again.


Another sniper rifle rang out as a hail of bullets came from the troop of 200. But, Leonel pretended as though he hadn't sensed anything, his steps only shifting slightly.

The loud clanging of metal resounded as the bullet rebounded off of Aina's ax. Despite the power, Leonel's stance was strong and steady. It was like he didn't know his neck had been moments away from being pierced through.

"Narrow the formation!" The commander barked.

Leonel's lips shrunk into a fine line.

'I can't shoot anymore down from this angle. If I can take advantage of the fountain, so can they... In that case...'

Leonel's fire suddenly concentrated on the water fountain.

Seeing that no more men were falling, the commander felt that his previous command had been the perfect response. Leonel wasn't the only one who could take advantage of cover.


The troop charged. There was barely a hundred meters between them and Leonel. As long as they closed in on him, they could fan out the formation and he would be surrounded.

what happened next left

all his might, he kicked with both legs at the

of this were left speechless. The action seemed ridiculous. However, those thoughts

the mermaid and whale soared through the air for a moment

base of the statue's connection to the fountain.

"Scatter! Scatter!" He roared.

hands pointed forward with two tactical rifles. Almost like a charging cavalry, he madly surged

slid across the ground, smashing into the front line of the

bother with the rest of the

the whale, dashing toward the inner city doors with all of his

but they all clanged off of Aina's

fervor, Leonel had

into the outer, he felt that his Force was no longer restricted. This

outer city, he saw a unit of eight waiting below the steps for

felt as though a hot coal was traveling


limits for too long already. He had been half a step into his

had been on the highest of highs, thinking that he had escaped, only to find that he hadn't at all. He came crashing down heavier than he went soaring up. The pain in his body seemed to want to

down the weapons, boy. You've done

eyes and voice held a youthful vigor to them. There was something especially magical about his voice that made one want to bend

bit dazed, the special unit slowly mad their

hadn't influenced him at


special unit continued to approach and Leonel realized that the few seconds they would take to surround him wouldn't make much of a difference to the situation of

grip of his rifles tightened. He willed them to flex as though pulling out the last of his strength. Once they were close enough he would move and leap over this hurdle

Leonel was going to hit another wall, he would suddenly feel that his back

reacted when a shadow

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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