
Leonel shook himself awake, dragging up what reserve strength he had managed to regain while allowing Aina to lead to swoop her into his arms. He tried to cover Aina completely, hoping that her ax could block the rest of the attack.


Pain like nothing Leonel had ever felt in his life before assaulted his body. Without suspense, he was sent flying. He couldn't even tell up from down anymore, let alone telling just how far it was he had flown.

The Quasi Bronze chain necklace on his neck splintered. It was just a tiny crack, but it came with a sound almost as loud as the bomb itself. Or, maybe Leonel's sense of sound had just been completely thrown off as well. He really couldn't tell.

"Aina? Aina!"

Leonel roared, barely able to hear his own voice. Only after shouting with all he had did he faintly hear himself.

Aina's state was far more sorry than his own. He had tried his best to cover her back while her ax had covered much of her front, but her legs and some of her arms had been completely exposed.

Leonel's blurry vision teared up when he saw her, a lump quickly swelling in his throat.

Her legs had been charred beyond recognition. What was once delicate, fair skin was blackened beyond recognition. It was so bad that she didn't even bleed, even her blood itself seemed to have burnt to ash.

Her arms were in a slightly better situation, but this somehow made it more gruesome. Severe burns of the fourth degree almost exposed her bones. Her flesh bubbled almost like water, producing a scene that made one's stomach upturn.

Leonel's knees and palms surrounded her almost like a mother protecting her cubs. He wanted to scream and roar, but his inner organs didn't seem to want to allow that.

Blood leaked from his orifices, partially obscured by the soot and grime that coated his body.

Leonel quickly shuffled around in his pockets. When he found the bracelet he was looking for, he slipped it onto Aina's wrist as gently as he could.

Regret filled his heart.

'I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid. I should have given it to her earlier. Why didn't I give it to her earlier?'

He felt as though something was clawing at his chest and eating his flesh.

Mayan Tomb. It was only a Tier 4 Black treasure, but since it was one time use, it was countless times more powerful than other treasures of its

like that, he began to question everything. Even after he learned that she had killed Conrad for the sake of protecting Yuri, he still

words. But, there was always a piece of himself that remained restrained, a part of him that couldn't accept her. So... He never gave her the bracelet he saw as the symbol of

so stupid. Impossibly stupid. Regret was seeping through

the pain of his inner organs. He could hardly


glint lighting his eyes. His only regret was that such a good treasure

more sadistic. He remembered Leonel's voice when he shot that bullet toward him just

to him. Watching Leonel suffer like this after humiliating him

the child of that whore will die without repaying the family for the genes she

drowned out by the


vision was too blurred to see where he was, he


the splintering of another treasure. The gem of the bracelet he had just slipped onto Aina's hand

was trying to say his

"Little fool... Take it."

chest. It was only after his senses were barely half recovered that he realized it was Aina talking and she was

tall and slender piece of paper between her hand and his chest. No, it looked too much like a piece of fabric to be called paper. However, all Leonel could see was Aina's hand. How she managed to continue holding on to her ax in one and lift the other to

pour... your Force into... it and... it will ta... ke you to... an... other... world. I've al... ready

flickered, his throat

Miles once more

been blown too close to the walls. If we shoot again, we'll compromise the safety of the Fort. Some Invalids have already been

had found such a good excuse, he had to make

cares, we'll just build another

wall in such a short period of time. They could easily do it again. Not to mention the fact that it would just have to be a repair and not

time, another official

we used to build the wall were all from emergency stores in case of a Class 9: Red event like this one. They've been used up already and we won't have

for the Junior Governor Duke's

all available

sighed breaths of

the Junior Governor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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