[I'm changing the bonus chapter requirement to every 500 powerstones. In return, I promise not to change it for another month. You can only blame yourselves for being too powerful <3]

Leonel was furious. He had never expected for such a thing to happen.

No matter how much stronger he was than Captain Sela, he wasn't at the point where he could break chains with nothing but his brawn. Even the alloys of the 25th century were beyond his means, let alone the fact that this chariot was a C-grade treasure she must have gained as a Zone reward.

'I was careless…' Leonel's gaze blazed with a cold light as he was forced to continue running.

He never thought that Captain Sela would be so brazen. She probably thought that he was trying to get her killed, which was why she had reacted like this, but at this point, Leonel didn't care. The incompetence of the Slayer Legion was turning him off from them more and more.

Aitken slammed his tower shield in the ground, trying to get a stronger foothold against the gorilla.

By now, there were only three that could remain standing in his squad, including himself. He could tell that support would be coming soon, so he was only doing his best to hold the creature back. Though he was a dick, it seemed that he wasn't a coward who left his squadmates behind.

Unfortunately, he wasn't very powerful. He seemed to have an ability that boosted the density of his muscles, but his strength was hardly over 0.80.

It was at that moment that Captain Sela came rushing in.

"Damned beast!"

Another chain came rushing out of her chariot, trying to lock the beast down.

'Idiot!' Leonel roared in his mind. Unfortunately, the next scene was bound to play out exactly as he had expected.

The chain snaked forward, wrapping around the gorilla's thick forearm just before it could launch another attack toward the squad.

the sorry state Leonel was in, having to rush after the chariot with his hands bound like that, there was even

he had been a distance away, Leonel's roar of commands had covered the entire battlefield. How could he not be enraged after Captain Sela exposed his intentions. In fact, by now, many thought that Leonel had a voice

tied down,

long blade from her back, hacking down with all the might she could

she had forgotten one key detail. Tying someone down necessitated that you had a strong enough anchor. The best way to use this chariot's ability was to make use

Leonel off guard and had the forward momentum of the chariot to

shot out a chain and wrapped

its free arm into the ground, roaring with all its


its footing, soaring into the air and taking Sela and Leonel along with

the arc of the chariot


chariot crashed and skid across the ground, its

its fists beating wildly against its chest. The sound was deafening. It felt as though a sound

He rolled further and further completely out of his

upon impact. And, as though that wasn't enough, the chariot he was tied to was now rolling

the coming chariot in hopes of stopping it with his legs. Unfortunately, reality was cruel to

of the chariot got caught in the ground, causing its skid along the ground to stop in favor of it popping into

Leonel grimaced.

a green light lit on the sole of his treasure shoes. He slammed down hard,

a stop, but Leonel's expression was as dark

still wouldn't budge. It might not have been that bad if his hands were bound individually, but with them stuck

Captain Sela who had landed in the distance. The chariot had been going at 50 kilometers an hour at least and it was obvious she didn't have a defensive treasure as good as his own. She could only rely on that thick skin and that armor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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