A long while later, Leonel had been escorted by Damian to the large ship in the distance. There, there was surprisingly another man waiting. What was surprising wasn't the fact that there was such a man, but rather that he was quite literally the only other member on board.

That was right, a ship of 200 meters in length, rivaling any luxury yacht, was accommodating just two men… How did this work, exactly?

'It can't be that Lieutenant Damian can use his ability to move such a large ship… right?'

Leonel felt his heart skip a beat. If this was true, it likely meant that it was easier for Damian to control water as opposed to earth. In that case, if the latter had any evil thoughts, even Leonel wouldn't be able to do much about it.

However, even after thinking to this point, Leonel remained calm. The reason was precisely his previous run-in with the octopus. He couldn't imagine what kind of powerful creatures were lying in wait in the depths of the ocean right now. Even in the 25th century, Earth still didn't know everything about its waters.

With the threat of him releasing his Force, Damian wouldn't likely dare to act rashly. Plus, Leonel believed that the lieutenant was being sincere. Leonel believed himself to be quite good at reading people, even his own best friend of over a decade couldn't fool him at a critical juncture, let alone Damian who he was especially cautious of.

"… I can't take it anymore!"

Damian's voice snapped Leonel out of his thoughts even as the fluid earth wrapped around the latter's wrist and ankles fell with a 'plop'.

The lieutenant's face paled, his arms falling and trembling to his side. It was only now that Leonel remembered that this guy probably had numerous fractures in his forearms. It was a wonder he had been able to keep up the act for long.

"What are you standing around for?! Hurry up and heal me! This kid is a little devil."

Damian had completely lost his noble air. He looked no different from a little boy complaining to his big brother, a sight that left Leonel rather speechless. He had always wanted a little sibling since he was an only child, but he felt like changing his mind after seeing this.

thought when he realized that the man Damian was speaking to actually

height, had the same sandy tanned skin, and both had deep brown

man walked forward and smiled

Joseph Warner, it's nice to meet

last name? So they

two want me to do? I'd like to make something clear first. Though I'm alright with collaborating with Slayer Legion to

They had just gotten here, so

he learned of everything

addition, we might be able to recruit some fresh blood as well. I'm certain that there are many

"I thought it would be harder to convince you two to attack the Fort. Why is it easier for you to agree to this in comparison to helping me remove this wrist

and Damian looked at each

new to the Slayer Legion, but you've probably already seen that things aren't what they appear on the surface. Most of our public

our king first. This gives us greater flexibility and better adaptability.

is a special case. The secrets behind how to remove it

about how noble your cause is and that you would stop at nothing to end the Empire's tyranny? Why are you so blatantly

laughed. "No one is so noble. While it's true that we don't agree with the paths the Empire has taken and do believe that we have the higher moral

a hierarchy, we need incentives, we need our people to have goals

of all the women in the world, but

hard, there were many things that could still destroy it. The trouble was finding something that could destroy it without taking his hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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