Leonel's brow furrowed as his mind spun. At the same time, his fingers stretched in odd positions, moving them like individual striking snakes.

His First Node was with his brain stem. His Second and Third Nodes were along his spine. His Fourth and Fifth Nodes were fused into the walls of his lungs. According to his current plan, his Sixth Node would be fused into his stomach. The Seventh and Eighth Nodes would be split between the chambers controlling the outgoing flow of his blood and the ingoing flow.

Up to this point, this arrangement had a near 100% compatibility with him and he felt that it was near flawless. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a Ninth Node with as much compatibility with him.

If others knew about Leonel's arrangement of Force Nodes, they just might call him insane. Most sought after boosts to strength in their arms and legs — essentially, things that could directly upgrade their battle prowess as quickly as possible. Yet, all of Leonel's choices were supplemental, yet absolutely perfect for laying a foundation.

With Nodes in his spine and brain, when his Force was activated, and even passively, his thinking speed and reaction time was exponentially better than his peers. The Nodes in his lungs increased his air intake and oxygen siphoning ability. The Nodes within his heart would perfectly supplement the increased capacity of his lungs, not to mention the Node in his stomach as well.

Ultimately, the blood was the centerpiece of the body, it was interwoven and interconnected with every corner, right along with the nervous system. So, in Leonel's mind, forming his nodes with these two systems as the core was only right.

But now, he was at a loss. He even began to doubt himself somewhat. What if he was wrong from the very beginning? He had indeed started to choose the locations of his Nodes without consulting anyone…

Leonel had always been confident in himself. Maybe a bit too confident considering all the mistakes he had made since the Metamorphosis descended. However, he still felt certain that he wasn't taking an incorrect path…

Leonel's head snapped up to look into the distance. He stood.

'Another one, huh…'

down from the pillar, causing those who had come back after Gerolt left to scurry off and hide once more. Who knew why these people were so bored to hang around him like this just so that they could make sure that he

since Leonel had dealt with such a thing. If he recalled correctly, during his first few weeks in the Royal Blue

Invalids once again, Leonel once again pretended to 'run away', only to be zapped back into submission by the

a month. He walked back to the harbor with head

Seems I'll have to speak with Lieutenant Warner about this. I'm not sure why you can't just be an

he thought it came from a respectable female captain. Now when he heard it, he only managed to feel annoyed. Why this Captain Sela

surprised by her appearance. After all, in order to keep up appearances and not raise suspicion, Captain Sela was tasked with overseeing what she called his

would no longer be a need for him to stay here. He could pretend that Damian brought himself elsewhere

the harbor. The side of her

took up their duty. Leonel alone was enough to guard half the day, but

gait to that of an elegant woman with swaying hips. But the issue was… her silhouette made those who

little tune as her clothes fell to the ground one by one. It wasn't long until a blubbery, top heavy figure appeared. Still, it was more

toward the bathroom. By the time she stepped off the hardwood and onto the tiles, her figure had become slender and the backview was

The sight one could behold when she finally reclined in a pre-made wooden bath could make the blood boil. The clear water could hardly hide the shapeliness of her

her face, revealing delicate features that brought her looks together with a bow.

that moment, a slight vibration came

< "Report." >

sound waves were so unique

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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