When Leonel reappeared within the cave, several eyes looked toward him at once. Their reactions were so quick that Leonel could practically here the wind their spinning heads caused.

Toward such a reaction, he could only smile bitterly. It seemed that they really had been waiting for him. Not a single person was missing from the time he had left to now. What else could they be doing if not waiting for him?

"Have you all come to a decision?" Leonel asked.

The youths looked at one another, but it seemed that the answer to the question was no. They had likely just gotten tired of arguing and let the matter rest for now. At least… that was what Leonel had thought before he realized that many of them were even avoiding his gaze as though being embarrassed by something.

"What about you all?" Leonel asked with narrowed eyes.

Though it was the same question, this time, Leonel very obviously aimed it toward the six others who could be considered near his level of strength.

Pisces stood upon hearing these words, walking toward Leonel with a confident expression. Though there didn't seem to be disdain in her gaze, this was only because she knew that Leonel was much more powerful than she was. However, there seemed to be something that had greatly boosted her boldness regardless.

"While you were away, we came to a consensus as a group."

"Oh? Did you?"

Leonel looked past Pisces, sending a questioning gaze toward the others.


tinge of guilt within her eyes. But, for some reason, she would feel even more guilty not meeting Leonel's gaze, so she put in effort to not look away. As for Flowing Wind, she was observing the situation as though she was a passerby, happy to see

their faces, making it difficult to tell their true intentions,

Lion didn't seem to care about what was going on. He only shrugged to show that he had nothing to do with what was happening, but he couldn't do much to change

the most effort into trying to stop what was happening, but he too couldn't move the needle. He seemed to take this

for Chasing Wind, her gaze seemed to make it seem like she had made the most logical decision for herself. As such, though she

'Interesting, interesting…'

he was losing out even more than Leonel. After seeing this, Leonel had a decent idea of what 'decision' these

"I don't agree!"

could even explain what was going on, Seer

"I don't agree either."

Moment affirmed Seer's

it not been for Leonel, they would be dead. How could they agree

that had been saved. Even setting aside the fact that Leonel taking the vanguard had kept their casualties to a minimum, there were many others he had directly saved just like the

Further words are meaningless. I'm

back toward Leonel with her lofty expression as though everything was playing

I ingest it, there is a high chance my ability will

had all heard the words of the dictionary. So, they knew well the importance of approaching as closely to the Force geyser as possible before facing its direct might. If Pisces

have much of a reaction to this. Instead, he looked toward King of

why did everyone choose you and

of red flashed by King of Seas' gaze. It seemed that he now hated Pisces just as much as he hated Leonel. But,

discord. But, she replied calmly as though everything was still easily within her grasp. In her opinion, the big obstacle had been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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