Leonel breathed heavily, his hands still firmly placed on the first door.

Was this his limit?

The truth was he didn't know the significance of his accomplishment. Something like opening seven doors on the first attempt was already extremely rare in the Morales family.

To put this matter into perspective, there were about a billion youths of this current Nova Generation. This was how insanely large the Morales family was.

Of these billion youths, half would not even awaken a Lineage factor at all. Of the remaining half, about 70% would awaken the Spear Lineage Factor and just about 30% would awaken the Metal Synergy Lineage Factor.

This meant that there were 150 million youths with the Metal Synergy Lineage Factor awakened. Regardless of whether these youths were children born from Morales family women who had been married off to other families or not, they would all be considered as part of the Morales family main branch.

Of this 150 million, 90% would only open the first door on their first attempt. Such people would only be able to open a maximum of the second or third door before they were forced to move onto the Fifth Dimensional barrier.

This left 15 million. Of this amount, another 90% would only be able to open the second door on their first attempt. For these people, no matter what they tried, it would be impossible to touch the fourth door as the fourth represented a qualitative leap. This was because the fourth door was the first marker of the Metal Synergy Runes!

This left just one and a half million. Of this amount, less than 100 000 would ever touch the fourth door. Not even 10 000 would managed to open the fifth. And, not even 1 000 would manage to touch the sixth!

Finally, there was yet another qualitative leap. In some weaker generations of the Morales Clan, there might not be a single person who managed to open the seventh door on the first try! And, even in stronger ones, the number would most definitely not exceed 10 by a large margin!


the Nova Generation was. Not only was there one who had opened the ninth door on the first try, but there were an entire seven. Someone like Leonel who could open seven with just SIx Nodes was completely unheard

He wouldn't naively jump into making mistakes like he had in the past. It was just

the price for his previous

at seven. He didn't even know others were

the first doors.

resolute gaze flickering as he gazed toward

been grasped by a tinge of madness,

know the name of this youth, they could all only feel that it was a pity. If they knew the name of this youth, they might just feel that it was even more unfortunate. It was easier

of casualties as long as you were distant enough from the people

who led this kid astray." The billowing beard of the bullish elder was still frolicking about. His eyes were practically red as he watched Leonel's


that those very runes

elders looked over

carefree grin had long since disappeared. Now he just looked forward

results would sometimes have will power that surpassed their means. As a result, they would try to push ahead, but this would only end up damaging themselves. No small number of

these signs very well.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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