Though others were likely making their own assumptions about Leonel's current state of mind, the man himself was incomparably calm as he watched the ground quickly approach him. Falling like this truly wasn't pleasant.

Leonel had already calculated that the chance of this happening was quite high. In order to lure Badger in, he lowered his speed. As a result, the Adurna family would obviously think that he would fail. If that happened, there was a 76% chance they would act direclty against him as a show of goodwill toward the Slayer Legion, thus making their subsequent asks more palatable.

This was simply how the world of the upper echelons worked, a complex network of meaningless pleasantries, fake smiles, and most important of all: debts.

It could only be said that Leonel was unlucky. Though he had known they would try to stop him, the odds of them having such a perfect ability to do so was relatively low. He was definitely getting screwed over by the luck gods. But, even then, he didn't panic.

Just when it seemed he would fall face first, he rolled his left shoulder forward and performed a somersault. The instant his two feet hit the ground, still binded together, he lowered himself into a strong squat and leapt forward.

With his current strength, such an action easily sent him over ten meters into the air, falling in a not so elegant parabola shape. However, it was unquestionable that his speed had fallen. In fact, Badger was already not much more than 15 meters from him.

Leonel sent a casual glance toward the leading man of the Adurna family. The man couldn't help but frown when he saw Leonel's calm countenance. It felt as though Leonel could see right through him, as though he was analyzing and memorizing every little detail. It didn't seem like a cold gaze for the sake of being cold, but the kind of indifferent glance one would give a sheet filled with numbers.

Without suspense, Badger caught up to Leonel just as the latter hit the ground once more. He didn't speak any words, but the derision in his eyes were cleared.

Toward such disdain, Leonel could only shrug. If such simple words made them so infuriated, it only meant that the Slayer Legion was even worse off than he thought.

"Double Bind."

The little girl stretched her fingers out again. This time, Leonel's wrists snapped together, causing his frown to deepen.

He had already entered the clearing and was just 50 meters away from the Zone. But at this point, it might as well be a miles away. How infuriating.

The little girl's ability was truly astounding. Leonel believe that it was Tier 8 at worst.

something material, Leonel wouldn't take it so seriously. But, what was shocking was that this binding seemed more… mytserious than that. Almost as if the laws

by this. Such a concept was completely novel to him and he wondered if it was possible to apply to his Force Crafts. But, at the moment, he didn't have such

back, blocking his path toward the Zone before

finally relaxed slightly. This



speed and

shoulders? However, compared to Leonel who was on

contorted. He fell

powerful that he had no need to show them all of his strength as they escaped the island, not to mention the fact he had the two of them supporting him.


almost like a Natural Force Art. She was imposing laws on him… It was no wonder

that no ability

before her ability took effect. Was it just the quirks of a child? Or

with her finger. He couldn't sense anything particularly special about her movement. However, what other reasons could she have to


Leonel's eyes narrowed.

closing in on him. After seeing what happened to Badger, they all redoubled their efforts. It would be longer than maybe five

But, Leonel suddenly smiled.

his feet suddenly became like a pool of mud. He hadn't even sunk in to his knees when he suddenly felt the restrictions around his ankles

was no need to keep his ring a secret. It had already been reported as one of the reasons he was able to save so many youths from the Project Hunt Island. In that case, why not use it

surrounded Leonel's body. He released his Light Elemental Force without reserve as though he didn't care about the expenditure. But, it was effective. The little girl was completely unable to see him clearly, causing his

The latter was in so much pain that he hardly reacted, having thought he had completed his task, only to find himself

his mind, completely deriding Leonel. It was his arm that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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