Leonel took a deep breath. He had thought that having the 99% accuracy of his father's dictionary would make things a breeze. At least then, he wouldn't have to worry about screwing himself over by accidentally failing the mission requirements.

However, he could have never expected that the dictionary would be so vague at this time.

What did it mean to make King Arthur a part of history? Was it acknowledging that King Arthur was fake? In that case, how could King Arthur appear in a Zone?

According to Leonel's understanding, Zones were parts of past where higher Dimensions influenced the lower Dimension. Only by resolving these instances would these timelines smoothly integrate with Earth. Once this integration was completed, Earth would reach the equilibrium necessary to breakthrough and reach the next Dimensional Tier.

But, how did a… 'Mythological Zone' factor into this?

"What's a Mythological Zone?" Leonel asked.

[ *Ping* ]

[ Replying to Seed, a Mythological Zone is a legend of humans that has propagated enough to be on the verge of becoming truth. ]

Leonel's eyes narrowed. He was still confused…

He sunk into his thoughts for a moment. He still had to wait for the two groups above him to leave, so he really did have some time to waste.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed.

mentioned how grand the gap between Dimensions was. If he remembered correctly, she said that one could

became a nice tale to tell to children. His stories could be easily manipulated and

his legend down like a higher Dimensional world acting on a lower Dimensional one? In that

thought, he felt as though an explosion had gone off in his mind. If this was true, then the

would ultimately be normal individuals

a world like this… The number of enemies that could

sucked in a cold

becoming a Unique Zone according to the dictionary. Maybe this time, Leonel

Uncle Montez had also said back then that Joan's Zone had almost become a Unique Zone as well,

were too many questions Leonel had had no

calmed, his eyes becoming deathly still. Then, he released his Internal Sight in full force, his calculative mind


"Hear ye, hear ye!"

a man with a large bridge nose unfurled a scroll with a length of at least half his height. Judging

young, able bodied men between the ages of 16 and 25

modern era, after all. If such a conscription happened in Leonel's time, people would likely be up in arms. But, in this era, it was a matter of honor. And, for young men like this, it was their chance to rise to a higher standing in life and maybe even… become

crowd with a pleasantly surprised expression. He had purposely traveled to this small town for two reasons. First, he wanted to enter a town the others wouldn't. With his Internal Sight, he definitely had a massive advantage in orienting himself in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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