Leonel and Aina's gaze met, both clearly able to see the other's surprise. However, after a moment, they found it easier to accept.

When Leonel spoke with Sael, the overseer of the Brave City trial at the time, he learned that Valiant Heart Mountain would be teleporting all its candidates at once in order to save on costs.

Though Leonel didn't think much of it at the time, it was clear that Valiant Heart Mountain wasn't in the best of positions at the moment if they were penny pinching to that extent. But, Leonel didn't care much. He already had a great distrust of organizations. The only reason he was going was because of Aina. At least this way, he could make sure she wouldn't have to deal with any injustices.

Of course, Leonel also had no idea that Sael had already reported him to the higher ups of Valiant Heart Mountain, causing a fissure to appear in upper management. The details of this matter, though, would be left unknown to Leonel for a long while. But, it seemed that those of Valiant Heart Mountain saw this as an opportunity as well, not having any idea that the supposed Morales Clan Heir they were banking their futures on was completely ignorant to his status.

"I guess we should prepare." Leonel finally spoke.

Aina nodded. "I'm going to go change."

Aina stood up and hesitated seeing all the dishes that lay empty. She couldn't just leave them here.

Leonel grinned. "Let me watch you change and I'll wash the dishes."

Aina blushed furiously, glaring at Leonel.


Leonel laughed as Aina ran away, picking up the dishes that were left.

asked the dictionary, hoping for

bit and stuffing the machine full, Leonel turned his attention to his own

hammer pants

but grin. He felt like he was Aladdin, so

thoughts, Leonel adjusted the cloth belt so that its end dangle between his legs,

pulled out the Egyptian like

thought as he had the almost solid piece of black steel in his hand. The neck piece alone was

a scene, she really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Didn't he have his

the place the two of them

tease Leonel for his ridiculous choice of

sheen of bronze, the definition of his back and the way it flexed slightly with his every movement made Aina flashback to moments when her hands ran across those deep trenches. It

other than embarrassment, turning her head away and pretending as though

Valiant Heart Mountain have such a provocative dress

Aina didn't know was that as she looked away, Leonel sensed her presence and looked

that wrapped around the chest. But, this one was white to match the pants rather than

to leave Leonel short of breath. He had understood ever since that day in the bathhouse why Aina also wore

her pants clung to her hips, the subtle but feminine definition of her abs after every breath, the way her chest cloth elegantly

share of women who were even more

couldn't run away before

blush on her face had still yet to vanish, making her

The teleportation is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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