In that moment, as though a ball had dropped, the movement of Jac and Leonel's hands became blinding. Anyone who might have thought that their skill would be too far apart immediately felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dropped over their heads. In fact, none of them were fools and many of them had eyes sharp enough to see through to the truth.

Leonel's hand motion was slower than Jac's, but his finger speed and dexterity was more than just a single level beyond.

By this point, Leonel had long since moved on from the beginner level techniques he used when he first started as a Force Crafter. His every action carried an air of sophistication and purpose he hadn't had before.

Years of simulations layered themselves in his every action, creating the image of an expert amongst experts.

Leonel's fingers rapidly oscillated, Little Tolly following the rhythm of his digits. The Polished Glass in his hands vibrated, its impurities being brought to the surface to be systematically cut off one after another.

When Leonel first began, he didn't have the skill to do this. As such, he could only use Little Tolly like a glorified Flame Spirit, using the little guy's ability to agitate the chemical structure of Ores to raise its temperature.

It was a simple concept. Heat actually reflected itself in the activity of atoms. By using this principle, Leonel was able to heat his Ores to incredibly precise levels, making use of sometimes even one or two degree differences in melting point to separate out impurities.

Though this level of control over heat was far beyond what a Flame Spirit wielder could hope to match, it was still considered a crude technique to Leonel's father. This alone was able to make the value of a Metal Spirit clear.

A Flame Spirit Wielder would only be able to gradually heat an entire Ore. Little Tolly, however, as long as the Ore was within a reasonable size – a size that was steadily growing as the little guy continued to evolve under Leonel's constant nurturing – could cause the same change to occur through the Ore simultaneously.

control the temperature of an entire Ore to incredibly precise levels… Well, it didn't need to

there were many downfalls to the

Ore would inevitably cause changes. One of the most useful techniques in changing the

of the original heating would be to remove impurities, this wouldn't stop the

to an expert, every introduced variable was

for those who didn't

Crafters could use. But at that moment, Leonel brought it out with all

of the Polished

after another, he picked them up. For a moment, it would seem to hang in the air, suspended

delicate control. Vibration, especially at these high levels, could also cause a transfer of

push and pull affect

metal a level of fluidity it would never have in its natural state, almost making it like metallic liquid. The result was a fluid far thicker than oil, even faintly

state resulted in two

to retain heat plummeted and its specific heat skyrocketed. The changes caused by vibrations were

its impurities would have varying changes. As long as Leonel locked onto a particular frequency, he would

is that it put all Ores in an inert state. Even the usually violent Polished Glass became like

members of Polished Glass realized how casually Leonel had taken his previous time with them. He had most definitely not used

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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