Chapter 755 - Godhood

Raoulin didn't say a word as he followed his father. Even though he had been to this garden almost every day of his life without ever seeing this staircase, he still didn't say anything.

He knew his father well. Even as his son, he didn't dare to take a single step out of line.

His father spoke when, and only when, he wanted to. No question, no words, no insult, could ever budge him from his own pace of doing things.

However, the more Raoulin saw, the more he found it difficult not to say a word.

The underground space was impossibly vast. At first, Raoulin thought that it must span at least the whole garden. Then he became certain that it spanned at least the whole Castle. But, by the end, he wasn't even certain if even the entire Royal City was as large as it.

There was nothing but a large grey expanse held up by pilar that muster have been at least a hundred meters tall and ten meters thick. Just standing by one of them could make one feel like an ant without goal or purpose. And, just walking within such a large space made one feel as though you would never reach your destination.

Yet, though it took several hours, they eventually did.

From start to finish, as though to allow his son to soak everything in, Alexandre never increased his pace. He took one step after another, his feet perfectly spaced and the cadence of the to of his shoes resonating in perfect, controlled harmony.

It was then they reached those doors, those very doors that Raoulin would never forget so long as he lived.

Compared to the pillars they weren't very tall, just ten meters or so. Yet, their presence was so much larger that Raoulin felt as though he was being suffocated.

this large expanse of grey. They were cast in a heavy, solid bronze. Even

face, ancient runes were drawn across it. The more one stared at it,

himself in the runes, suddenly finding himself imagining the start

was nothing but endless darkness until a hand seemed to reach down

brain practically combusted, his nose erupting in a rain of blood that almost made him pass out

have another son, but he only

his feet, his jaw trembling as he grit his teeth. He bit down so hard that a tooth of his cracked in half, almost splintering completely through. But, it was this pain that managed to keep him

faint acknowledgement, Alexandre

first, all Raoulin saw was a blinding light. But, what he saw

King who seemed to hold the world in

that the banging of his forehead

and into the room, only to find that

flowing energy hovering around it without a sound. There was nothing present to even acknowledge

Moments later, Alexandre stood.

"Give me the girl."

"… Ah, yes…"

young girl over to his father. Despite the fact the both of them stepped into the room, Alexandre didn't

this world, every being is separated

girl down on an altar before the silver tablet, stripping all of her clothes off. Yet, even to this point, the girl hadn't reacted with even a flinch. It was only at

world that we live in, is nothing more than the Fifth Dimension. However, even then, most who live upon it are just of the Fourth Dimension

be. One would have expected crimson blood to flow out, and that it did. However, there were very clear specks of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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