Chapter 2987 New Field

This time, Leonel wouldn't be leaving even a single one of his brothers behind. He had already decided that even if he had to carry them up the steps one by one, putting them on his back, he would do so.

Leonel didn't actually believe that his brothers were untalented. Among them, there were several geniuses. Arnold was a genius of Universal Force. He had mastered higher levels long before Leonel did, and the only difference between the two of them was that Arnold had gone off on a wrong path because of a lack of guidance, while Leonel had been lucky to unlock it during his battle with Lionel.

Back then, Arnold didn't know that you could have a ubiquitous form of Universal Force because no one talked about it. As such, he always focused his Universal Force on his palms until Leonel taught him that another route could be taken. It was only after that that he managed to start following the right path.

Then there was Allan. He had always been ranked number one in their class despite the fact both Aina and Leonel were in that class. Of course, Leonel and Aina had always been focused on other things... Leonel couldn't bring study material back to the Paradise Islands, while Aina had been obsessively training since she was young. But this didn't diminish Leonel's views of Allan in the slightest.

That was because if they were focused on other things, couldn't Allan also be? Allan had always been obsessed with working out and being meticulously dressed. Those sorts of things took up a lot of his day, and under normal circumstances, they would take precedence over anything else.

Even if he had spent more time on schoolwork than Leonel and Aina did, his intelligence wasn't very far from their own at all.

Drake was literally creating his own Weapon Force, pioneering a path that was unprecedented and had simply never appeared before.

Raj's Ability Index allowed him to create anywhere from the weakest Earth Forces to the absolute strongest.

literally created his own

in the end, when they had to be compared to Leonel and Aina, not only were they lacking

talents that literally one of his main problems

lifting up the useless, and even if they were

a King, hadn't vanished. He had just been suppressed by a far darker side of

understood that not everything needed to be decided by who had the strongest logic... sometimes, you could do things simply because you wanted

too long to

logic and a strength so strong that even the Northern Star could do nothing about him,

wife, no brothers... no family. So what

perpetuity, why not just die

even care to notice. He had just been obsessed with surpassing his future self, to be able to accomplish what he had failed to simply by wielding

he would find himself staring down the barrel of the Northern Star just like

time be

He didn't know.

be on a battlefield with his brothers. If he was going to despair, he was going to do it with them by his side. If he was ever going to give up... it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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