Chapter 377 They Are Not Yoegers

Kathleen nodded.

Charles instructed, “It’s getting late. Go on and head to sleep. Don’t forget that you’re still injured.”

“I’m all right,” replied Kathleen with a shake of her head. She added, “My injuries have long healed, Charles. Why don’t you let me stay up to keep watch? You should rest.”

“There’s no need. You can get some rest. I’m still around.”

Given that he was her brother, there was no way that he could allow her to stay up and watch over him all night.

“All right then,” conceded Kathleen as she yawned widely. She added, “I’ll drop by again tomorrow.”

“Okay.” He nodded his head in acknowledgment.

With that, Kathleen rose to her feet and declared, “I’ll be heading off to bed then.”

Following that, she proceeded up the stairs without sparing so much as a second glance at Samuel. For his part, Samuel merely sat there motionless and did not react to her departure.

“What do you want to talk to me about?” asked Charles slowly.

However, Samuel merely shook his head silently. He had only stayed back as he wasn’t feeling particularly sleepy.

Faced with such silence, Charles finally rose to his feet and walked over to sit next to Samuel. After a brief pause, Charles asked, “I don’t think you need me to explain what my granny was getting at with her words earlier, do you? Deep down, you should know as well.”

As per before, Samuel did not say a single word in response.

Charles was egged on and slowly added, “Since you understand, then from today onward, shouldn’t you—”

“What if she isn’t disappointed in me?” countered Samuel suddenly.

Charles was caught off guard momentarily. He gazed at Samuel with a long and meaningful look before he replied, “Are you seriously suggesting that you haven’t given up by now?”

“I’ll never give up for the rest of my life,” replied Samuel in a low voice. “I’ll keep at it until I meet my end. It’s just that I don’t want to force her anymore.”

“Well, I can’t force you. The choice is yours. After all, I’m sure Kate won’t fall in love with you,” replied Charles casually. “She’s not like how she was before. Haven’t you realized that she doesn’t care too much about you these days?”

that. You can stay up by yourself,” replied Samuel tersely

“I couldn’t tell at first, but

too much. I just wanted some

he turned and proceeded to take

gaze suddenly flickered upward, and he saw a figure swiftly disappear from sight on the second

lightly as he wondered if Kathleen had

quickly returned to her room and shut the door behind her. She pressed her back firmly against the door

picked up on the increasingly vivid sound of

ask me directly if you would like to know what I’m thinking. You don’t have to

her silence and pretended

moment in thought before

that, he turned and headed into the

disappeared, Kathleen immediately heaved a heavy sigh of relief, and her shoulders

there were moments when a direct conversation would not reveal the truth,

was successfully

and Yareli and said, “We’ll head over to

“Do you really intend to disband and break up

out when we

he strode away

to take her leave

over to stop right in front of Samuel,

to marry you,”

and demanded, “What did

was before. Don’t you know that things change?”


Samuel simply strode

glanced to the side and looked at Kathleen with pure hatred in her eyes. The latter sarcastically asked, “What are you glaring at

her lips and replied,

rolled her eyes and looked at Yareli’s legs before

sudden movement caught Yareli utterly by surprise, and a tinge of panic

I’ll think about this later. I have to rush back to the Yoeger residence first

the Yoeger residence, Zachary sat nervously on the couch as he pondered exactly how

Zachary knew full well what he truly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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