Chapter 262 May I take Sarah away

Sarah was speechless.

She ignored her words.

Seeing that Alicia was still cracking the virus, she went to dry her clothes.

The clothes that Alicia gave her were similar to pajamas. Although she could wear them, it was still inconvenient for her to fight.

Fortunately, her clothes were dried very quickly. When Alicia was still cracking the virus, Sarah changed her own clothes again, and the other things naturally returned to their original positions.

When Alicia finished her work, she saw Sarah changed her own clothes again. "Sarah, don't you like the clothes I gave you?"

"It's not suitable for me to go out."

"You can sleep in this room. I will tell Maxwell."

"He won't agree."

"Then I have other clothes. You can choose the one you like."

"No, thanks." Said Sarah. "I'm going out. Thank you."

Looking at her like this, Alicia felt very uncomfortable. She always felt that she was regarded as a female rascal by Sarah. Her attitude of alienation was even colder than before.

Fortunately, the virus was solved, then she followed.

Seeing that the two of them had been gone for so long, Maxwell frowned slightly and asked, "Why did it take you so long?"

"It's my fault." Answered Alicia. "My master planted a virus in my computer and located me. Now she should know where we are."



Maxwell peered at Sarah subconsciously.

The computer was attacked as soon as she was away, was it...

"She was with me when my computer was hacked." Explained Alicia, but she didn't tell him the whole story. "It's not her."

If the whole story was told.

Everyone would think she was a rascal.

She had selfrespect.

Hearing this, Jenny looked at them and was surprised how Sarah did it.

Although Sarah didn't admit that she was K, judging from what had happened before, she was.

"Have you found her location?" Maxwell asked again.

"I can't find it." Said Alicia confidently. "Didn't I tell you that I

against my master, I would definitely

of Hackers was

She was the best.

eyes were so dark that no one could see through them. In the end, he

supreme in terms of computer, but without

Thinking of this.

his phone and

relaxed atmosphere here, the others were

the news

had flown there as soon as possible.

Julian had

Will started to

As for Jason.

a message from a stranger. Although it was a virtual

was relieved to

seaside was extremely cold

a shirt, Jason was trembling with cold, but he

until the phone was

on the other side replied briskly,

current route, there are three places that they can go to, the Green Island, Kodiac Island, and Miami. I don't know the

time being."

destination is, I just want her

safe." Stressed Jason.

man on the other

hung up

did Jason felt a

other side of Maxwell, they

so they quickly told Maxwell that he made a phonecall. Maxwell asked Alicia to check who

she didn't find

for K, everyone else was defeated

Alicia was playing tricks

to Jason was either

has encrypted it." Said Alicia. "Judging from the interception we met when we investigated just now, it should be someone my master had helped earlier. She has designed an extremely safe mobile

Maxwell was puzzled.

lost in her

not be a big deal for

sold out a mobile phone system

only sold it

have anything to do

the person he contacted was not


a firm tone.

send messages

whom your master sold this system to and what background these people have."


Alicia was speechless.

slightly, Maxwell asked,


can't find anything related to my master."

out the deal between my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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