Chapter 268 Master, how could you be so heartless

As the elevator door opened.

After Sarah walked out, a figure rushed over and hugged her, "Sarah!"


The others came over and hugged her.

Looking at the familiar faces in front of her, Sarah paused and asked, "Jacob? Jim?"

"Sarah! And us!" Julian said, dissatisfied with the two people in her eyes, "Aren't you afraid that James and Samuel will be jealous?"

Seven intimate friends all arrived.

"Why are you here?" she asked in confusion.

"After you turn off the signal, Captain Leon asked us to go back to New York

and wait for you," Jacob was a beautiful woman, and she treated Sarah really nice, "He said he would bring you back."

"You almost scared us to death!"


"Why did you turn off the signal?"

"There were too many people there, and the whole Green Island is packed with people," Sarah explained to them, "If you go there, I'm afraid..."

Before she finished her words, everyone understood.

"It's all over. It's good that you're fine."


Glancing around the crowd, Will knew that Sarah had something else to do, so he told the others, "You go back first. Let's talk about it tomorrow. She needs some good rest."

"Okay," Jacob answered first, "We will come to you tomorrow."

"Don't go to the company tomorrow!"

"Leave time for us."

"Did you hear that?"

They all said angrily to Sarah.

Knowing them well, Sarah agreed, "Okay."

After getting the reply, they didn't stay here any longer. They all went back

that Sarah

about to give them a ride,

left, Will stood there tall and looked

say, he finally

to you too,"

Will replied in a low

When she closed the door, she glanced at

should feel relieved

why she had been

moment, she was even

her tired eyebrows

relationship between Jason

changed her shoes and walked inside, she noticed that something was

Had someone come before?

had been there for two days.

whole room

walk inside. Instead, she sat on the sofa and said in a low voice, "Will you come out

out of the bedroom, "I'm just hiding to surprise

Kevin was stunned.


at her for a few times

over and sat down in front of her,

looked at

left with Jenny, she and Jason were at a disadvantage. Why did she think that

like that. When I left with Jenny, I saw someone catch Maxwell's men," Alicia explained. She could tell at a

don't come back?"

moment, if it weren't for the fact that if Jason didn't prepare anything, she wasn't sure if she would be able

come back.


Sarah didn't said.

stood up and fetched two glasses of

glass was passed to Alicia, and

"About that..." Alicia stammered.

her eyebrows slightly, Sarah

you going to do with the baby you

girl was her master, she couldn't help but care more about her, "You

the baby, will he come to

child?" Sarah asked in

Alicia said naturally, pointing at Sarah's

Sarah was speechless.

have to

she didn't say anything, Alicia thought she was thinking about

want to keep the

Alicia confessed. Anyway, Maxwell had been caught, so there

subconsciously, "Jenny

also investigated it."

it weren't for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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