Chapter 272 He's not in a good condition

"You can refuse. No one forces you," Bella said coldly

Serial held his breath.

He really wanted to throw the paper and pen on his face and said domineeringly, "I refuse."

But Serial also knew that if he was so willful, the consequence would be that something bad happened to Jason. At that time, the deal he had spent so much effort to get would be in vain.

No way.

"Can you lower it?" Serial began to talk to him in a good attitude, "One billion in RMB?"


Bella took the paper from his hand.

She walked out lazily and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"I'll sign it," Serial said.

"The last ten seconds," Bella said as she handed the paper to Serial. With less words and sleepy eyes, he added, "It will be invalid if you exceed the time limit."

Serial held his breath.

One day.

He wanted this guy to spit out all the food he had eaten.

With all kinds of resentment and emotions, Serial stroked his name on the paper. In order to make sure that he wouldn't go back on his words, Bella handed him a small box of ink and said, "Press the fingerprint."

"I won't go back on my words."

"Three seconds."

Serial was speechless.

He hadn't had this much emotion this year than today.

Reluctantly, he took the ink seal and pressed his finger print on the contract. He was determined that he would get the lost money back from Jason.

"You know what kind of person I am," Serial said, handing him a piece of paper with signature and fingerprint, "When haven't I done what I promised you?"

Taking a glance at him, Bella said, "I don't believe you.'

Serial was speechless.

Damn it!

He still couldn't get along well with him.

"The person you need to save is inside. The situation is very

serious," Serial said, "Come with me."

"Wait a minute," Bella said lightly.

Serial frowned slightly.

did Bella want

she waved to the outside with a


Serial followed his sight.

who could be treated like this, he saw

her and asked, "Why did you

Bella ignored him.

was a waste of time to talk

piece of paper in

returned to normal and asked, "Have

did," Bella said, handing the paper to

Sarah took it over.

there was no

operations made Serial confused. His eyes were

Bella didn't respond.

walked inside and asked directly,

with Sarah?" Serial

was indifferent to him and said

you want

sentence made Serial come back

with complicated eyes and finally said, "Follow me." After disinfecting his body, Bella changed

closed, Bella walked in, and the door completely isolated the distance

and waited in the

it weren't for the worst, he wouldn't have spent so much money to

that Jason was in extreme

outside, Serial walked towards her

beside her.

two didn't say

After a long time.

at her, he asked, "What's the relationship

you and Bella?"

was only

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?"


did he bring you here?" Serial asked, his

bit, but his expression was no different from before, as if he was just

and a woman were alone together,

would believe nothing happened.

a lonely person. If she was not important to Bella, she would not

was in contact with Bella, she was


Sarah got confused.

didn't understand his

He slightly

said, "Miss Yeats, you are so

someone less than


do you mean?" Sarah's heart


more, but his eyes were full

he hadn't been reminded by his reason and past, he might have

Time passed.

two hours had passed, but the door of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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