Chapter 274 He protected the person he wanted to protect

Mr. Noth was speechless.

How did his son respond every time he was teased?

It seemed to change the topic.

He put the newspaper on the table beside, stood up and said, "I'll

go and prepare some fruit for you."

"Fuck off!" Grandpa Noth said bluntly.

Mr. Noth went out with his phone.

After he went to the yard over there, he called Sarah. His tone was always so slow, with dignity and calmness. "Sa."

"Mr. Noth."

"I'm alone now, and Stephanie is not beside me." Mr. Noth was very kind to Sarah.

As for the Stephanie he and Grandpa Noth mentioned, it was Mrs. Noth.

Sarah had a lot to say, but she didn't have the courage to say it now.

Mr. and Mrs. Noth were both good people. If she told them the bad news, would it be too...

"What's wrong?" Mr. Noth's words came through the phone again.

"Can I meet you?" Sarah had never been so difficult to speak like now, "It's hard to explain it over the phone."

How smart Mr. Noth was. Hearing her tone and words, he guessed an answer, "Something happened to Jason?"

Hearing this.

Sarah's nose twitched.

Even she herself didn't know why she was so emotional because of this sentence.

She tried her best to control herself and only made a nasal sound, "Yes."

"Where are you?"


"Send me the address and I'll come over."


After hanging up the phone, she sent an address.

stood there for a long time before he walked inside. He went to the kitchen to cut a

done, Grandpa Noth said, "Just leave. Don't get in

I need to go out for a bit," Mr. Noth had a good appearance and brought a piece of fruit to Mrs. Noth.

fine. I will stay here," Mrs. Noth didn't care

of Grandpa Noths's presence, Mr. Noth left a parting kiss on Mrs. Noth's face as usual, stood

used this, and kept playing chess

disgust and continued to play chess


up a car himself and went to

of them made an appointment

Sarah arrived first.

looked as calm as usual, but her heart could not even be

as before.

later, Mr. Noth

was wearing a medium long black overcoat,

and slender, with

he entered the door, he saw

same person, but looked a little

Noth guessed that

than he

When Sarah looked up.

Noth walking towards

stood up and wanted to call him, but she


Mr. Noth

he sat down, Sarah called, "Mr.

nervous," Mr. Noth

he asked, "What

to tell him

opened her mouth, she handed over the patient case

Serial, "Please have a look at this first. He has just had a surgery and he is still in a coma. His

whole process was very

or become stupid after he wakes up?" After looking at a part of it, Mr. Noth's eyes

time and asked

hiding anything, Sarah said,

was still

he read, the

show it at all. He just turned page by page as

reading a work document.

Noth had seen

say, "I'm


this is to help me block

all my responsibility for him to

a pause, Mr. Noth finally revealed a bit of his true

"A bullet?"

told him the

Maxwell's arrangement to the fact that he was hit to protect her, she had pointed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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