Chapter 290 Don't you have a sense of crisis

"Okay," said Sarah.

After getting the answer, Serial felt relieved.

There was a guarantee in K's words.

"What you had heard in the hospital before was that he told me." Serial said. "On the way I took him to the hospital for treatment, he had woken up once and told me when he woke up. If his condition is more serious after that, he asked me to convey those words to you."

Sarah frowned.

"He doesn't want you to feel guilty, nor does he want you to blame yourself. He thinks that this is what he should do."

"In other words, he didn't wake up in the hospital before?" Sarah quickly came to a conclusion.

"Not only is he still in a coma, but it's also very serious," said Serial frankly at the moment. After all, it was all in the past. "If it weren't for me who cured him, the urn he buried on the ground would have sprouted."

Sarah paused.

She couldn't tell how she felt.

"I don't know what happened between you two," said Serial from a bystander's point of view. "But from what he did after he was

deeply injured, he really loves you very much."

He even admired Jason's willpower. It was a miracle that he could wake up and speak so many things under that kind of situation.

"Delete me?" thought Sarah.

"He was afraid that you might suspect him, so he told me the password of his phone." Without hiding anything, Serial said, "He asked me to delete you and tell you those words at the right time."

Glancing at the closed door, Sarah had mixed feelings.

"You don't have to worry that he will pester you after he recovers. From what he said to me before, as long as you are unwilling, he won't disturb you anymore."

Sometimes, he felt that Jason was contradictory.

He was decisive in the business, but there were two extremes in his attitudes for love.

Either he acted on his own will, or he focused on the other's feelings. However, these two extremes had all been reflected on Sarah.

"I know," said Sarah lightly.

"So you are willing to take him away?" asked Serial tentatively.

He was afraid that K might think he had tricked her.

He could not burn his bridges. They would meet in the future, and there would be a long way to go. If K hated him for setting her up now when he asked K for help, he would be doomed.

Sarah nodded.

some documents, and then took Jason out of

the passenger seat quietly,

of tension, uneasiness,

like a five-year-old

"Sister," he called out.

him sideways and

his hands on his legs stirred, Jason asked cautiously, "Don't

Sarah was stunned.

thoughts in her mind, she asked,

His voice was very gentle, with a little

Sarah didn't

have a good

just lowered his head

only one thought in his mind,

like him.'

how to face

and it was

how to answer some

if he was an ordinary five- year-old child, what if he thought she still liked


to him, he would be

a very

that they could notice many


this, Sarah drove to

car, Jason followed her out with his belongings. He followed her silently all the


took him


of the elevator, she met Will at the

about to send

people coming out of the elevator, with his

asked in

Damn it!

What happened?

did Sarah get involved

back to have a

a look at Jason with his dark

on his face, Will asked,

said Sarah simply. "Now we can only


Julian was completely confused.

of treatment

the silent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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