Chapter 318 Don't tell anyone you are from the Gardner family

Will's eyes were slightly raised, and he didn't deny it: " Yeah."

"You..." Mrs. Gardner hesitated for a moment, with a scholarly temperament. "Is the girl you are chasing really the one Aaron said?"

"Which one?"

"Full of muscles that could easily lift you up onto her shoulders."

Will pursed his lips.

I had to teach him a lesson when I went back.

"I'm not against it." Mrs. Gardner thought about how to make her son feel

better. "But have you really made up your mind?"

Many people cared about height.

Her son grew up proud, with justice and courage.

Could he accept someone taller than him?

"That's his requirement for a wife." Will didn't over-explain and didn't ignore the look of disdain from his dad, "It's not mine."

Mr. Gardner: "?"

Mrs. Gardner: "?"

Both paused for a moment, not expecting this outcome.

"So have you chased the one you like?" Mrs. Gardner asked curiously.

Mr. Gardner's face went serious for a moment, "He has a crush on someone?"

"You don't know?"

"You know?"

"I know. Will sent me a message."

Upon hearing this.

Mr. Gardner's face was obviously unhappy. He glared at Will," That's fine!"

Why didn't he tell him.

What was the point of having this son.

"It's you who didn't accept my friend request. You blame me?" Will's tone was languid and lazy.

Mr. Gardner wanted to retort, "can't you text without WhatsApp?

But he didn't.

He also had a backbone.


chasing her,"

you're my son when you go out. You have chased a person for so long and



shut up

aside silently, while Mrs. Gardner and Will

was doing

After the conversation.

Mr. Gardner were

hurting his self-esteem. "Is it

do you say so subtle?" Mr. Gardner finally spoke up, "He's just a gigolo.

Mrs. Gardner: "......"

Will didn't care about it at all.

tell others that you are the son of our Gardner family. I

tomorrow!" Mr.

if I don't work. But

your property, can you take mom out

was so angry that he hung

talking yet. She looked at him angrily and was dissatisfied with his

already... Let's go to the orphanage to

even wanted to beat up Will. "He is

a gigolo. Shame

can go by yourself. I only have one

a little surprised when she heard it just now, so

But on second thought.

take over the family business,

Probably that is because he could have more

that girl.

Will knew that his parents

didn't explain too

money he had, he was really a gigolo

Thinking of this.

sent her a message, "I will bring

Time flied.

In the afternoon.

she went to see Jason.

she felt relieved.

have lunch but

gone, he felt

is something for

This meal.

it for

cook something for

the captain said that he had

it as long as

the delicious food, he knew that it

cooked by Will.


Sarah. "Apologize

dishes, he refused in his

the hell

"Sa..." he said.

still pale, she said

it was true that the food

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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