Chapter 363 It's a business

Chris finished installing the new one. Then he said tentatively,

"Would you like to see if the last surveillance video is damaged, Miss Yeats?"

"There is no need to do so." Sarah said with confidence.

She believed in her ability.

Chris insisted, "Well, I suggest you have a look."

Sarah cast him a confusing glance and then stared at the computer.

She clicked the last surveillance video which happened to be the day when Jason came to find Chris.

She watched the whole video in one sitting. Actually, she didn't intend to do so if it weren't for Chris. Listening to the conversation in the video, Sarah's eyes turned cold.

"I know he has completely recovered." She closed the video. "He confessed to me."

If she saw the video before Jason confessed to her, she might feel a trifle annoyed. But now nothing mattered. She only cared about what was the game he was referring to.

After talking with Chris, she left.

It was not until then that she fully understood why Chris repeatedly asked her to help choose a monitor for Jason.

He wanted her to know that Jason was lying to her. She didn't find it at first because she didn't pay much attention on it.

Sarah returned home.

She put a call through to Serial.

He must have known that Jason was fully recovered, but he had been keeping it from her.

Serial was abroad when he answered Sarah's phone. He mistakenly thought that Jason's situation got worse: "What's wrong with Jason?"

"Nothing." Sitting on the sofa, Sarah felt a big rick weighing on her heart. "I just want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"You know that Jason has completely recovered. But why did you tell me that he was partly recovered?"

Serial was stunned at once.

What happened?

was seen through

treatment going?" Sarah asked, "What are you

tone was as mild as usual, but his heart was about to jump out

said word by

tried to hold his composure, "Is there

true thoughts via phone. But the more he was reserved

gets extreme, you can directly knock him out or give him a sedative." Serial said immediately, "Remember,

you know that he will

Serial, whether before or after the

mention that Jason's head had experienced a huge change- his mental state underwent a transition from

Serial, they had a

become extreme?

think much

now she sensed something

his doctor, I certainly know his

his tongue, so he cobbled

silent for a while. "I will investigate

In other words...

would hack

as wide as

couldn't keep his composure anymore,

person who would casually hack into other's

say this

on a serious

know what

was K! The top

he deleted something now, Sarah could recover it:

of cake

What should he do?


now. Could I tell you when I come back

careful if he was facing any other

the man standing in

what situation he is

was low and urgent.

he looked like before?" Serial didn't say it clearly,

was frozen

seemed to think of something. She wrinkled her nose, "You mean... Jason has


"I can't explain Jason's condition clearly to you now. Just remember, don't

you come back?" Sarah felt that Jason's mental state was a little beyond

afternoon." Serial was as edgy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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