Chapter 397 I will be pissed off one day!

"How dare you mention this?" Zack still felt scared when he thought of that day when his mother was punching him. "Whom did you ask to insert the virus into my mobile phone? I asked several people to help me. But they failed."

Sarah was speechless.

Will smiled and said one word, "Expert."

"Don't I know that he is an expert?" Zack felt that this guy became cocky after he had a girlfriend. "I'm talking about the identity of that guy."


Zack rolled eyes at him.

Zack thought, 'I can't talk with this guy. If it goes on like this, I will be pissed off one day!'

Zack came up with an idea.

"You are waiting for others here. I will go to see if Julian is capable."

Will said that that man was a hacker. Julian's skill wouldn't suck.

Since it was the case.

He would ask Julian to crack it.

When he went to Julian, Julian was having fun with Susan. When he went in theroom, he heard Julian praising. "You are twenty-eight years old? You look much younger."

"Do you often praise girls like this?" Susan replied.

"No." Julian said the truth. "You are the first person I praise

besides Sarah."

As for Jacob and Jim.

They always made fun of each other.

"Julian, Will told me that you're a hacker. Is it true?" Zack felt that Julian was unreliable and went over to interrupt them.

"That's right." Julian said modestly.

Although his hacking technology is not as good as Sarah, it was

also impressive. Compared with Alicia, who was second only to Sarah, it was not much worse.

Zack grabbed Julian's shoulder naturally and said, "How about doing me a favor?"


Zack took him to the room inside.

Zack asked Julian to crack the virus, and Julian made it quickly.

This time.

Zack saw the hope.

He told Julian to wait a moment and then went to the car to get his cell phone with the virus. He asked Julian, "There is a powerful virus in it. Many hackers failed to crack it. As long as you help me solve it, I will invite you to dinner."

took the

computer to break the virus in the phone! As a result, the computer got a

What the hell?

Julian was stunned.

happened to those who helped me crack the virus before..." Zack coughed to cover up his embarrassment. He hadn't come up

speak. He just continued

After half an hour.

had returned to normal, and the

phone had

knew that the virus was written by Sarah. It was

that was why he could crack it. If Sarah was serious, he

not solve it.

not been cracked by anyone so

hackers had never

Julian stopped when words came

ask him how he offended Sarah,

Julian realized that he


knew that Julian's technology was better than those

knew. "What's the matter?"

the virus

know. It's

"Think again."

something?" Zack was

"Do you know who made this virus

say anything. It was

Julian would not tell

honest. "The virus was implanted

Julian was astonished.

violently out of



It was over.

He would be finished.

with Zack, but helped Zack


by the captain, he would be dead

been completely cracked." Julian immediately told a lie. He

handed it

about the

knocked on the

phone to keep it secret

mobile phone back to Zack. "I have something

call me."

Then Julian left.



'I restored

captain's plan, did I?'

carry out those cruel training.

was scary.

Zack felt weird.

the weirdness

saw that his mobile phone was turned off, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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