Chapter 460 If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas

"Sarah just said to go to find the fireworks company and the leader of the drone to talk about things. It should be the intention to solve this problem." Julian White said with seriousness, "I heard from Robert Shawn that Sarah studied drones in the university abroad."

"If she can really solve this problem, it is estimated that several more patents can be applied for."

"Suddenly I am a little curious about Pumpkin's proposal."

"I'm more looking forward to the captain's expression."

Three people talked a lot.

For some time after that,

Sarah Yeats spent the whole day in the drone base, modifying the drones, testing them, and modifying them again. She was so busy.

Will Gardner came back a few days later but not seeing her. When he called her, she always said she is busy with the drones. When she came back, she always slept because of tiredness.

The result of this was that Will Gardner gave Jacob and others a lesson.

Because the answer they gave Will Gardner was that Sarah Yeats went to the base in order to help them transform the drones they liked.

As her friends,

they should help her.

If it was not for the fact that they have to help Will to plan the proposal, Will Gardner would teach them a hard lesson.

A blink of an eye,

another month passed.

The design of Sarah Yeats's drone completed. The program had also been written.

When she was relieved, she immediately found Will Gardner and showed him her new achievement designed by her and the designer.

Will Gardner found the great progress and cared about her, "Do not break your neck again next time. You do not need to do like this just because they want to play."

"Got it." Sarah Yeats said with a guilty in her mind.

Sarah let Jacob and Jim take the blame for her.

It seemed like she had to make up for them afterwards.

"Is there any discomfort during the menstrual period this month?" Will Gardner rubbed her head. He cared a lot about what should be cared.

Sarah Yeats stunned.

The whole person froze for a moment.

Will Gardner found some small changes in her face, "What's wrong?"

"Menstruation hasn't come this month..." Sarah Yeats was a little nervous, "I can't be pregnant, right?"

The normal menstrual period had already passed.

She usually postponed a day or two every month.

It was never been the case that she hadn't come for such a long time.

The most important thing was that her appetite was not very good and she felt a little regurgitation. She was not fussy about food.

another month passed.

The design of Sarah Yeats's drone completed. The program had also been written.

was relieved, she immediately found Will Gardner and showed him her new achievement designed by her and

great progress and cared about her, "Do not break your neck again next time. You do not need to do like this just because they want

Yeats said with a

Jacob and Jim take the blame

seemed like she had to make up for them

there any discomfort during the menstrual period this month?" Will Gardner rubbed her head. He cared a

Sarah Yeats stunned.

froze for


Yeats was a little nervous, "I can't be pregnant,


usually postponed a day or two every

been the case that she hadn't

not very good

said with certainty. His low voice had

only had sex twice. We did take every precautions, so

I have a poor appetite and a little regurgitation." Sarah Yeats

Gardner looked serious

and gave her

caused by staying up late recently. I'll wait a few more days.

her, but

a small illness or pain, she would carry it through. If there was no need to go

day after that, although Sarah Yeats seemed calm, she was actually anxious

own pulse by herself, but it

in her

her being in a

Gardner saw her

searched the internet to find out other ways to test whether she is

pregnancy test.

of the test

At that moment,

whole heart

her behavior, Will Gardner felt a little bit guilty in his


so afraid of

said honestly, "I'm not ready

She loved children.

a bit

will be minimized." Will Gardner rubbed her


said these

a decision in

have sex with her again before

the physiological period was delayed, she would have to

Yeats nodded her

Gardner let her rest well, he personally went to

that the biggest reason for the delayed physiological period was that she stayed up

concern and care and

of the room,

"What's the matter?"

you." Sarah Yeats expressed

eyebrows to re-step in front

and pinched her face, with a few preaching in

a reason for sudden confession, otherwise

done something wrong."

Sarah Yeats, "..."

know how to reply

sentence you like

he felt that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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