Chapter 468 You really want me to proposal to you?

"I can only think of one thing that the captain come to you and still let you keep it a secret." Sarah Yeats was very smart.

Eve Kent asked, "What."

Will Gardner was not calm.

He knew very well that Sarah Yeats must have guessed the thing.

"The marriage proposal." Sarah Yeats sighted at Eve Kent, noting the changes in her expression, "Right?"

The reason why she didn't stare at the captain was because she knew very well how good the captain's acting skills were, and it was impossible to find flaws from his face.

Unfortunately, she forgot one thing.

Eve Kent is an actor.

And an actor with excellent performance.

Although she was surprised to hear Sarah Yeats's words, she only squeezed a smile and said nothing.

Sarah Yeats confounded a moment because of her reaction.

Not right?

"You really want me to propose to you?" Will Gardner was relieved when Eve Kent not flubbed the thing.

Sarah Yeats, "......"

Is it really not a marriage proposal?

Her eyes looked back and forth between the two.

If it wasn't a proposal, then what was it?

"I'll take you to choose a ring after lunch later."Will Gardner was so trickey that she couldn't repond quickly, "I'll pick a day to propose to you after the ring is chosen."

Sarah Yeats pressed her lips, any suspicion that it was a proposal was completely dispelled at this time.

Take her to pick out a ring......

"What kind of proposal scene do you like?" Will Gardner asked her again.

"It's not a proposal, so what were you guys just talking about?" Sarah Yeats suddenly felt confused.

Logistically speaking, the captain talked to Eve Kent aside from proposal, was discussing the marriage thing. After all, Eve Kent was her friend.

she was not pregnant or had a baby.

There is no need for him to gain experience.

There is the most important point.

about the child, there was no need to keep it

glanced at each other, the former

Will Gardner to handle

know after that." Will Gardner stood


how she thought, she couldn't

his lazy low voice was charming,"Go back

we'll go choose a

back first, I have something to

to know something from Eve Kent, his expression was lighter than

wait for me unch."

out a

in a hurry. It's never too late to

Will Gardner did not

Eve Kent

leaving space for them, he was ready to leave. But

outside the

glanced briefly over him,

No greeting, no conversation.

who do not know each

and farther away from him, then he took out his phone and sent

Jason Noth, [What.]

tapped his fingers

realized how hurtful the thing

to know Will Gardner talking about proposing to Sarah Yeats, and he was just going to go in and listen carefully when he saw Sarah Yeats coming this way. He hid himself because

came out, he ran into

for a long

question mark.

Edgar Williams would

front of him waiting

now can be called bad

He waited some more.

Williams still didn't return the

to put the phone aside and concentrate on

of Sarah Yeats's

getting a reply from Edgar

him in

No need to guess.

it must be related to

there is a project in New York on the 12th that you need to talk

was reporting the schedule,

a place full of all kinds of complex emotions for the

and bad

under the theart of Serial Lance, but

boss went to New York and accidentally met

boss's true feelings would

was more


to talk about a

coincidental to run into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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