In Jasmine's room in the Lawrence family's manor.

Jasmine's eyes were red from crying, and she could not stop himself from breaking down. Jenifer was also furious. Looking at the way Jasmine was crying, she became even angrier.

She shouted loudly, "What are you crying for? Crying won't solve any problems!"

"Mom, Mom! When I think about what I did with that piece of charcoal, I just... I just want to jump off a building! What the hell did he do to me?!" When Jasmine thought about what Sam did to her last night, she felt disgusted as if she had eaten a mosquito.

"Enough!" Jenifer said angrily, "Just treat it as if you were bitten by a dog. Go and wash your face right now. When you come out, I want to see you smile."

"Mom..." Jasmine could not do it at all.

Jenifer's eyes narrowed.

Jasmine sniffed and went to the bathroom. After a long while, she wiped her tears and walked out.

Jenifer said, "Let's pretend that what happened last night didn't happen. The people we saw today won't dare to spread rumors and cause trouble. They won't be able to spread it to the Swans." "But what about Jeanne?" Jasmine looked at her mother.

The others could guarantee that, but Jeanne was a ticking time bomb.

Jenifer said fiercely, "If she exposes you, we'll bite the bullet and say that she's jealous of you and is deliberately framing you. There are so many people in the family, and no one will stand on her side. When that happens, she'll be asking for humiliation!"

Hearing her mother's words, Jasmine felt slightly relieved.

"Why were you in Jeanne's room with Sam last night?" Jenifer asked. She did not expect to be fooled by Jeanne!

"Last night, I just finished taking a shower and heard someone knocking on the door. When I opened the door, I saw Jeanne. The next second, my vision suddenly went black, and I couldn't remember anything I felt that something was wrong the whole night, but I don't know if it was because my head was injured and I was in a daze. Even now, it still hurts here." Jasmine pointed at the back of her head. Jenifer took a look. The spot where Jasmine's hair covered was indeed swollen.

"What has Jeanne gone through after leaving the Lawrences all these years?!" Jenifer looked vicious. "This time, I'm afraid that she didn't come back because the old man told her to. I'm afraid that she came back to take revenge!"

"Then what should we do?" Jasmine was a little panicked. "Will she break up Eden and me?!"

"Calm down!" Jenifer scolded angrily and said in a cold-blooded manner, "No matter what she does, she's just one person! Don't worry, as long as Joshua is here, your father and your grandfather won't side with Jeanne. Sooner or later, Jeanne will... bring about her own


Jasmine gritted her teeth.

No matter what, she wanted to return everything that happened last night to Jeanne!

9:00 am.

The "scandal" that happened in the early morning seemed to have never

held her son's hand and watched coldly from the side as Eden "went through a lot of difficulties" to take Jasmine away. Once these photos were exposed, there would probably be countless trending

a long while, Eden finally

white wedding dress. The gauze

white suit. His figure was tall

were quite a good

indifferently as Eden carried Jasmine and walked past her. At that moment, Eden's gaze was obviously frivolous as if he was deliberately provoking her.

It was funny.

not many people who could still be

followed the crowd and left the Lawrence

rows of priceless black

had not seen the world would be

the bridal

about to casually get into a car when a man suddenly appeared in front of

Jeanne's eyes moved slightly.

"Fourth Master, you're

everyone also saw Fourth Master Swan. Eden and Jasmine also

sweetly, had a slight

scene outside the car,

"He always..."

values my wedding. It has nothing to do with anything else," Eden

tactfully did

the car window to look at Jeanne and Fourth Master Swan. It did not seem like there

there really was not any

Swan did not reply to Jeanne's

embarrassed either. She walked past Fourth Master Swan and wanted to get

Lawrence," Fourth Master Swan suddenly called out to her. At this moment, he even opened the door of

Jeanne frowned.

car is free," Fourth Master Swan said, "There's

time, Jeanne wanted to spurt

everyone's watchful eyes, should

to be so

Jeanne pursed her lips.

not want to stand at ceremony. She smiled

George's hand and sat in the back seat of Fourth Master Swan's car. Then, Master

Everyone was shocked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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