Jeanne registered George at the Angerburg Private Elementary School.

These days, Paul had been under intensive training at home. A teacher was specially hired to teach him how to ace the interview.

As for George, no one cared.

On this day, Jasmine came back.

It was the first time she came back after her honeymoon after the marriage.

Eden did not accompany her.

After Eden returned, he immediately went to work at a listed company under the Swans and could not find the time.

It was also said that after Eden got married, the Swans held him in high regard and seemed to be interested in grooming him to become the successor of the Swans. Of course, that was what Jasmine said.

Jeanne brought George downstairs to drink some water.

George was holding a book in his hand. Jeanne poured a glass of water and passed by the hall. She was ready to go to the back garden for a walk to get some fresh air.

"1 don't know what's wrong with Fourth Master these past two days. He has been boiling chicken soup for us," Jasmine suddenly said.

Jeanne choked on her water. "Cough, cough."

Jasmine turned to look at Jeanne and did not say anything.

She said to Jenifer and Phoebe. "The chicken soup tasted disgusting. Everyone in the house wanted to throw up."

"Is that so?" Jenifer smiled and said, "You used to say that Fourth Master is a god-like figure. Now that you're living together, you must've realized that he's just an ordinary person." "Not really. Fourth Master's aura is still very strong. I don't dare to talk to him."

Eden will have children soon?" Phoebe immediately complimented, "I

"That said, your speculation isn't unreasonable, Auntie. If Fourth

said that, he glanced at Jeanne who was walking toward

the Fourth Master Swan only kissed her because he wanted to reject the marriage with the third princess of the

Swans don't want a

it be better for the Swans to climb up to the imperial family?" "I'm not too sure either. Eden said that if it's an important matter of the Swans, other than Fourth Master Swan and Old Master Swan, no

isn't good enough, wouldn't he be ruining

asked Eden, but he can't explain it clearly. Anyway, in the Swans, Fourth Master Swan's

Fourth Master Swan. Let me know if anything happens. I'll think of a way to

know." Jasmine nodded

saw George reading a children's book! To be honest, as an ordinary person, I don't even care about the mother and son, let alone Fourth Master Swan! Jeanne only relies on being the daughter of

Paul going to interview for a first-class elementary school?" Jasmine


sitting obediently next to her.

Sister Jasmine." Paul

of Third Uncle Swan, is going for the interview tomorrow too," Jasmine said, "That child was educated very well by the

enterprise and has the advantage." Jenifer was much more magnanimous. "That's true." Jasmine smiled. She also felt that she was thinking too

the years that Quinton had grown up, he had grasped the Swans tightly in his hands. How could there still

brought George to sit in the gazebo to

reading a brain teaser

sat next to him and seemed

thinking about something?"George put down the book and looked

came back to her senses.

thinking about?"

matter of Fourth Master Swan making chicken

to get Fourth

do you really hate Fourth Master Swan?" George

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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