She smiled and said, "Since Mr. Hall doesn't want to pursue the matter, I don't think there's a need to."

Cameron Hall heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he looked confident, he still felt guilty. He was still afraid that Jeanne Lawrence would cause a ruckus and that he would make a mistake.

Luckily, Eden Swan was smart enough to know that Jeanne would definitely not fall out with him in public. If she did, she would only leave a bad impression on MUK. Jeanne Lawrence was smart enough to tolerate it. Otherwise, MUK wouldn't choose such an unreasonable person to work with.

If Jeanne Lawrence couldn't find anything to use against him, the result would always be a crushing defeat no matter how much of a fuss she made.

It was absolutely impossible for Eden Swan to be caught red-handed.

Therefore, Cameron would definitely win today's proposal.

Thinking up to this point, Cameron Hall's smile became even brighter.

"With two proposals being so similar, who would Mr. West choose between us?" Jeanne asked West.

West looked at the two proposals. "I haven't been in Harken for long," he said. "I don't know enough about either of your companies. Of course, I'm not going to judge emotionally on who I'll choose. It's business, after all."

That was directed at Jeanne Lawrence.

Jeanne nodded while Cameron chuckled in secret.

the proposals from both companies are evenly matched. It's very difficult to make a decision. The only thing that I can judge upon is your investment amount. As such, that will be


yuan to the original 2 billion yuan proposal to create a gap between the the Lawrences's proposal and their company's proposal. Eden was able to hit the nail on the head. He was a formidable man indeed. Cameron would need to work harder to curry

Cameron Hall heard West say solemnly, "I choose

could not believe it. He thought

no longer


just said that this is a business decision, but now you're biased. Isn't this too much? If Mr. West decided on Lawrence Enterprise and Ms. Lawrence why did you waste everyone's time? You should have announced to the public that this project was reserved for Ms. Lawrence. It's well-known that Mr.

other companies? As the person in charge of MUK,

I'm siding with

he had not read the details. He flipped to the page

Cameron Hall was stunned.

'Wait, 2.2 billion?!

How is it

at the number in

completely stunned and he could not regain his composure

Jeanne sneered.

you have any

for a long time. He was thoroughly

his answer. He said, "I hereby announce that MUK's e-commerce partner in Harken will be Lawrence Enterprise. The Lawrence Enterprise will enjoy MUK's exclusive partnership

Lawrence smiled. "Thank

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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