Chapter 14: Crash and Burn

"What do you want to do back at home? Do you want to work on your technique?" he asked. I didn't say anything for a long time. "Jordyn," he said, trying to get my attention.

"I'm going over to Lewis' place tonight," I lied. He was silent until we reached the apartment. He turned the truck off and I felt his eyes on me. I hesitated before I looked back at him. "What's wrong," he said, slightly irritated. I shrugged.

"Nothing; I just... I need to talk to him," I said. It wasn't a complete lie; there were things that I want to talk to Lewis about. I saw Hayden's cheeks turn red.

"You didn't tell me that," he pointed out. I shrugged.

got out of the truck and walked inside. Hayden didn't come in after me. I sighed and pulled out my phone. I texted Lewis asking him if he had any time to talk tonight. He replied quickly. I knew that he lived in these apartments too; only a rise over actually. When it was clear

he turned to me. He turned the volume down. "You know, you never told

to get into that right now?" I asked. He nodded. I closed my eyes briefly, thinking about Thomas. "You left me right after

just... bad timing. I didn't purposefully leave you alone. I had to move," Lewis explained. I shook my head

dad was leaving, and my mom was acting like nothing happened. I needed you, and you were gone," I said. I felt my eyes water up. I knew that I wasn't really crying because Lewis left me, but he didn't know that. I knew that I was crying for a lot of different reasons. I was crying for Thomas. I was crying because Hayden and I weren't getting along, and that was a problem because I was starting to fall in love with him. I was crying because I missed my dad, and I hated being out here alone. Lewis thought that I was crying because of him. He leaned forward and kissed me. I couldn't help but to notice how Lewis' kiss was dead compared to Hayden's. I wanted Hayden's warm, soft lips, and his adventurous tongue. I wanted Hayden's arms wrapped around me protectively as he kissed me. I liked Lewis, but I

to leave you," Lewis said, oblivious to my thoughts. I shook my head and stood up. I shouldn't have been here with Lewis. I should've been telling Hayden what

I was confused at this point, about a lot of things, but one thing was certain.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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