Chapter 132

Natalia’s heart thundered against her chest as she flung open the car door and bolted.

But no sooner had her feet hit the pavement than a gang of thugs gave chase.

Their leader, a scar slashing across his face, was particularly menacing.

In a flurry of panic, Natalia dialed 911.

To her dread, the line was busy; her call was stuck in a queue.

A pulse throbbed at her temple. Disconnecting the call, she dialed Hamilton’s number, only to be met with the chilling tone of a dead line.

Her fingers clenched, a wave of despair washing over her. Without hesitation, she hit the speed dial for Alden.

Thankfully, this time, the call connected swiftly.

“Ms. Jenkins, what’s up so early?” Alden’s voice came through, calm and collected.

“Alden, help me, outside Benevolent Care Hospital, please, help…”

Before she could finish, a rough hand snatched her hair from behind.

“Dammit, you bitch! Quite the runner, huh?” The voice sneered, followed by a stinging slap across Natalia’s face. “I’d like to see you run now. Go on!”

Her ears rang from the blow, but she tried to maintain a composed facade. “I’ve already called the cops; they’re on their way. Just let me go, and I won’t press charges!”

Instead, she was dragged mercilessly toward a van parked by the curb.

Natalia clung to the door, refusing to be shoved inside.

“Break her grip!” came the command.

To her horror, the man waiting inside the van was Orpheus.

“What do you want?” she demanded, her voice shaking despite her efforts to sound steady. “Orpheus, I’ve done nothing to you!”

He chuckled darkly. “Maybe you haven’t, but your man sure has. Tie her up and gag her. We’ll send Hamilton a nice little photo.”

smirked bitterly, fear making her voice quiver. “You think you can leverage me to get to

away and dragging



Dawson as they

we can call in

stomach issue. Acts up when I

they witnessed a

saw a group of men forcing a

Broze, and Dawson’s

girl from yesterday?”

run down his spine. “Yes.”

dialing 911 without further ado.

composed, now seemed visibly rattled

sped up, but Ryan kept close behind, blaring the horn as

annoyed by the interference, ordered Quill,

mirror, then stepped on the gas. The van instantly sped

cars drove out of the city very soon, venturing onto a

Quill drove, the car behind somehow always managed to maneuver like a pro and keep

run them off the cliff?”

your mind? Look at the plate of that

with such matters, was

was well aware of the stakes. Though he had been messing around since he was young, he knew a thing or two about government–related matters.

had a customized license plate like that was an extremely important figure in

the bound Natalia. Did she really have connections


the cliff up ahead, dump her.”

left to live for. Her life had just begun; she had


Chapter 132

van halted at the cliff, and Natalia was pushed

more entanglements with Hamilton, no more disappointments, no more pain. If there was another life, she wished never to cross paths with him again.

the cold embrace of the

Quill sped away, leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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