Chapter 320 Layers of Deception

“I…” Jean was forced to look up. She had nearly lost control and told him her true feelings. Luckily, they were in Royden Group. Seeing the offices behind him jolted her back to her senses.

She immediately changed her tone. “True. You’ve never lost before. You must be confident you will win this time.” Her slight sarcasm made him uncomfortable.

“I’m here to watch the show and see what kind of mess Royden Group will get itself in. Since you brought me here, how am I supposed to spectate?” After saying that, she turned around and rushed to the elevator.

Edgar immediately blocked the elevator door with his hand. What he said next shattered all of Jean’s defenses. “I also recently discovered that Sam participated in that event years ago.”

Jean was stunned. He knows! Edgar looked at her with piercing, cold eyes. “Thus, you can stop matching me up with Gigi.” He saw her startled reaction and knew he had guessed correctly.

Ever since Jean returned from that village, she seemed to have become a completely different person. All this while, he could not figure out why.

It was only when he heard from Ben that he understood. It turned out Jean gave Mr. Jevin many things. That was when Edgar realized Jean kept thinking about what had happened twenty years ago. That explained why she acted abnormally.

“You don’t have to atone for someone else’s guilt.” As he said that, he reached to pull Jean out of the elevator. However, Jean came to her senses and reacted much more intensely than ever.

“Since you know that, I don’t have to hide it anymore.” Then, she steeled her heart and said heartless words, “You owe my father his life. What makes you think I want to be with the man who killed him?”

She quickly pressed the button to close the elevator door.

Then, she turned away and refused to look at Edgar.

Soon, the door closed, and the elevator gradually traveled down.

Jean leaned against the cold elevator walls. Tears fell from her eyes even as she tried hard to resist them.

She never wanted to hurt him this way.


insisted on a reason, she could only say that to conceal the truth. Otherwise, once the


frowning and

Miles finished dealing with the press conference and rushed over. “Mr. Royden. Sam and Andy brought out evidence,

would not have to bear any responsibility

documents would become a laughingstock

only Miles, Edgar’s trusted secretary, knew

fact that everything


the first floor to capture everything. All they had to do was to wait for Sam and Andy


you need to work with Uncle Edbert and deal with the matters

Royden, where are you

give it another

and ordered, “Cancel the original plan. This

too shocked to speak. But since it was Edgar’s order, he gradually

one knew where Edgar

out excitedly, only to find Edgar leaving Royden Group in his

his father-in-law and the company’s vice president. How is Royden Group

still being detained at the police station for investigation. Do you think

way. Edgar was caught having dinner with

reporters made various

soon, someone

to the police station. Edgar

Soon, Royden Group

a scornful smile. “Edgar has already lost to me. Why are they still chasing after

hand, Sam breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled. “Even if you can return to Royden Group, Edgar is

“Is that so?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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