Chapter 523

Chapter 523

The person who sent Edgar this photo knew about his relationship with Jean.

An address was sent to Edgar too.

Edgar knew this message was purposely sent to him, but he still drove over.

However, he did not see Jean at the restaurant.

At last, he spotted Hugo’s car in the car park.

Edgar double-confirmed Hugo’s car plate number and quickly chased up to Hugo’s car.He stopped Hugo’s car with his.He acted like a teenager madly in love.He knocked on Hugo’s car window loudly.

When Hugo lowered his car window, Edgar quickly peeked into Hugo’s car.

“Where is she?”

Hugo laughed when he saw Edgar’s anxiousness.He laughed, “I didn’t expect Mr.Royden to have such a romantic side.Why did you two divorce at first?”

“None of your business.”

Edgar quickly returned to his senses when he was sure that Jean wasn’t there.He put his hand on Hugo’s car door and spoke coldly.

“Although her aunt is trying hard to bring the two of you together, you should know that she is uninterested in you.”

“Uninterested? Mr.Royden, you do not seem to understand her.Although we have only met each other a few times, I’m sure she will not refuse…someone like me.”

Hugo spoke solemnly.He was not boasting.He had chosen his words carefully.

Every time he had a date with Jean, they always had a pleasant conversation.It was a great start.

After all, they weren’t at the age when they would easily fall in love anymore.

Edgar stared at his face silently.He was a little angry.

However, Hugo seemed calmer compared to Edgar.

“Mr.Royden, rather than wasting your time stopping me here, why don’t you go find out what’s happened at Eyer Group? She told me something came up with her company and just left”

heard this, he frowned.He immediately went back to his car and headed

sat in

her if he still loved her? It’s too late to regret

was on his way to Eyer Group.He told Miles to head over

at the Eyer Group’s lobby, then went up

stopped them

isn’t she?” Edgar asked before

other male employees behind Rachel were

frowned and


replied coldly.Edgar

me if


Mr.Royden, you should know this means Ms.Eyer does not

Rachel said straightforwardly.

to wait

gave them a hostile glare.It was the first time Edgar had experienced such

beckoning at Rachel

But it was useless.

the strong urge to scold Edgar further.But

“Mr.Edgar, are you alright?”

smiled and asked

the guards, “Tear down

“How dare you!”

other male employees stepped forward for

anyway.Is there a problem with us tearing down our own

Xena sneered.

you do not

others were completely

from Royden

were ready to act immediately upon


Edgar roared coldly.

he turned


meeting with Jean when she saw Edgar leave.Her plan of acquiring Eyer Group would go on smoothly if Jean and Edgar didn’t meet.She didn’t know how much Edgar detested her now.She was like a second Gigi Reece made by

happened clearly

was outside, the calmer

dashed into her room to complain furiously, she did

the look in

this.I thought he was

Rachel was too furious.

not have said

she had worked for Jean for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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