Chapter 532

Chapter 532

Royden Group acted immediately to prevent the incident from being leaked to outsiders.

Apart from informing the police, everyone in the company was forbidden to tell anyone else about the incident.

However, the media still found out about it.

Then, a few people even went to Xena’s hospital room to harass her.

After spending a night in the ICU, she returned to the ward only to be scolded by the other patients.

Even the nurses were unkind to her and looked at her with disdain.

They were also careless when checking her condition.

Xena was dumbfounded.

“I’m the victim here.Why is everyone treating me this way?”

Xena had no choice but to vent her anger at George.

“Also, why was my snack the same as Jean’s?”

George appeared unbothered as he stood at the side.

“Hey! Say something!”

George looked at her indifferently.He was expressionless like a robot as he said, “You’re too noisy.How am I to speak? Also, what do you want me to say?”

“Tell me, why did you cause me to be admitted into ICU and remain ill even now?”

Xena glared at him furiously.

She was sure that Edbert had arranged for someone to tamper with the snacks, but she could not understand why she had to be dragged in.

George looked at her and said flatly, “I’ve told you before.Once you hop on board, you can’t do things as you wish.It’s your greed that led you to this.Who are you to blame others?”

She is only a pawn.

Does she really think she can live like a princess? Xena gripped the blanket tightly and clenched her teeth furiously.

“Is this all you have to say?”

“At most, I can transfer another five hundred thousand into your card.”

George looked at her and continued solemnly, “Plainclothes police officers will be here in the afternoon to record your statement.What you need to say is all written on this paper: He put down the paper and left straight away.Xena sat quietly on her bed and looked at that paper for a long time.

mean even the police follow their orders? Everything happened as George told her,

record your statement.What were you doing between 3 4 p.m.on the

hesitated briefly.She looked at the police officers for a long time before perfectly reciting what George had wanted her to

remember much.I should be in

looked down slightly.Her smile seemed a little

have recorded me

nearby at that


must have wanted the police

police officers asked her

provide ‘perfect’ answers to each

the police officers left, she pushed aside the nurse assigned to watch her and left

was staying in CRK Ward and ran there

later, Xena knocked

“Who are you?”

at her


in a rocking chair,

at the door, she looked up slowly and briefly glanced at Xena’s

that Xena was about to rush to Gigi, so she tried to chase

talk to you.He has a message for you, and I

continuing, “He will stoop to no lengths.I believe you

chuckled and glanced

“Are you threatening me?”

warned sternly, “Gigi, don’t listen to her nonsense.I’ll make her


Jean and had to be rushed to

Xena shouted urgently.

Gigi’s expression changed slightly.

“Sheena, please leave us.”

and glared at Xena

right outside.If you

Gigi slowly turned around and looked at Xena’s face.She seemed

here to propose a collaboration with you.I

at her and sneered,

chin upon hearing Gigi. Belonging to

“That’s right”

Gigi began to laugh.

as close as you imagined.I’m unable to help you get Edgar.You’ve

know you and Jean are not on the best terms, but you can use this chance to snatch Eyer Group from her.This is your opportunity to take back everything your

took out her phone to show a screenshot.It was a photo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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