Chapter 346 Taking Zachary To The Hospital

The live host, who identified himself as an atheist, was terrified. He had seen it too! Although he was there to see it firsthand, that ghost vanished in an instant.

He swallowed his saliva and said, “Perhaps someone is jogging by.”

His friend holding the phone felt a prickling sensation on his scalp. He said, “Normal people wouldn’t walk that fast. That thingy ran so steadily that it didn’t look like running.”

Suddenly, a pale face loomed from the top. It spoke in stern and cold tone, “What are you doing here?”

The live hosts and the audiences in the live-streaming room were astounded.


The live hosts, who identified themselves as atheists, fled in fear.

Blake sneered coldly.

People with so little courage are not supposed to visit places e this. Those who know nothing fear nothing. One day they might be killed for a reason they were not aware of.

After that, Blake eventually left Bedlam Asylum.

Zachary, Lilly, and Josh were taken to the hospital by Bettany the following day.

Hannah’s father caught her for not yet doing her homework, and she was then forbidden from leaving the house.

Lilly claimed she wanted to go to the hospital when she saw Granny taking Zachary there. Josh naturally followed Lilly when he saw her leaving.

Drake was tempted to follow them, but he knew that others would think he was overly attached to Lils. It would be embarrassing.

Lilly climbed onto the chair at the book counter and peered down. She asked, “Drake, are you coming with us?”

Drake had a blank face. He seemed completely uninterested, and he replied, “Boring.”

Lilly pouted her lips and said, “Okay, we’re heading out now. You need to behave at home!”

Drake was stunned.

Did she assume I’m on the same level as them? She even urged me to be nice. This is so childish.

Drake resisted the urge to get up until the car’s engine noise subsided. Finally, he was compelled to put his book down. He stretched his neck a little to take a look.

Polly’s voice chimed in, “Monkey, let me know if you want to go. If you don’t say anything, how would I


suddenly glared at


loves this parrot so much that she would be in need of bringing it along, wouldn’t she? Fine, I’ll take the parrot to her. After all, I always follow what Uncle Anthony says, and

it to you if you request it. How was I going to say no to what you wanted? If you don’t want it, I will still give it to you. Let’s he reasonable!

Tripitaka dialogues that Polly learned from The Legends of Monkey. It

parrot incessantly

abruptly grabbed its neck and said

of me. Help! Help! A

run out. He held it by its wing and

and reprimanded Drake, saying, “I’ve had enough of you! I’m going to submit it to you! We can fight fairly if you have the

Lilly’s room. He picked up the

Polly kept babbling incoherently.

nagging in the pet carrier. Polly demanded, “Wait, at least bring along my

couple of disjointed lines

from under the table with

placed the tortoise

idea what was

I just took a

the neurology department

had the time to kill, and she preferred the doctors in public hospitals;

was her turn, Bettany went into the consultation room with

shocked and

to sit down on the chair and said,

sat in the chair,

title, and department were all listed on a nameplate on the desk. He



a specialist in pediatric neurology? I’ll be diagnosed


old, my grandson fell from the second-floor balcony. We were completely unaware that he had crawled back into the house by himself. He’s grown up now. His reactions become increasingly slower as he gets older. You see, he

She felt guilty. No matter what the reason was, they had

“Open your mouth and let me see your tongue.

was no

doctor urged patience while holding a

declined to say anything. He thought

in the world? I do not want to visit a

lips and refused

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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