As the sky began to brighten, more and more people entered the graveyard.

The graveyard used to never see quite this many people, at least not compared to Greenhill Cemetery.

But there were not only more people around here now. After the Crawfords moved their ancestral grave here, many rich households in Alfornada began following suit and moving their family graves over here without much thought to it.

The one high-and-mighty Greenhill Cemetery was now bare and empty.

Mr. Zeke heard that the Crawfords were coming, and had come out early beforehand to wait for them.

He hurried forwards at the sight of the familiar black SUV. “Mr. Crawford, you’re here… we’ve prepared everything for you.”

“Let me know if there’s anything else you need!”

Mr. Zeke was the person who had made the gravestone for the Crawfords in the first place.

Everyone else had found it hard to accept that the gravestone should be in a different shape, and it was Mr. Zeke who insisted on going against all odds to make one as Lilly had asked for.

“Thank you, Mr. Zeke!” Lilly got out of the car, beaming at him. “May you be blessed with abundant wealth and prosperity!”

This positively made Mr. Zeke light up. He was all smiles as he said, “Thank you, little Ms. Crawford! I sure hope what you say comes true!”

Lilly skipped along happily. She entered the cemetery, and subconsciously slowed down slightly.

There were a lot of people visiting the graves in the cemetery, but everyone spoke softly in mumbles and murmurs. Hardly anyone was making much noise.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Lilly bumped into someone, lifting her head. She saw a woman protecting the jar of ashes in her arms.

She stopped short at the sight of Lilly.

“It’s alright…” She shook her head, seeming to be grieving deeply.

If her little Jannat was still alive, she would be about the same age as this little girl.

Lilly looked at the jar of ashes. She lifted her hand subtly in a wave. “My condolences, Sir and Madam…”

There was a little child sitting on the jar. He looked around five years old.

She was hugging she mother just like he would if she was still alive, curled up in her arms.

“Who are you?” Jannat stared at Lilly curiously. “Why can you see me?”

Lilly made a shushing gesture. She stepped out of the way, letting Jannat’s family pass.

There were a few people behind Jannat’s parents that were probably relatives. They glanced strangely at Lilly.

They didn’t know why she had made that shushing gesture, but she seemed around the same age as their little niece. They flashed a friendly smile, nodding slightly at her.

Josh got closer to Lilly. “Lilly, is that kid a malignant spirit as well? She can appear in the daytime…”

appear under the sun, even if they

had rained

head. “No, she died not too long

become a malignant spirit if

only become

grunted. “So she’s a resentful

the spirit levels in terms of power: wandering spirit, woeful

little girl turned out to be a

much hostility on her. How could she be a resentful



little resentful spirit lying in her mother’s arms stuck out her head, peeking out from her mother’s

watery eyes stared

Josh’s spine at once. He straightened up, hurrying

this, and rolled

gotten used to it way

Josh was speechless.

this because he

be half this calm if he was able to see spirits…

after the grown-ups, and quickly arrived at the

o’ ancestors!” Lilly whispered

front of the huge Crawford family grave, looking over as he gripped his

finelly seen the Crewfords’

come the pest two yeers?” The Crewford Ancestor mumbled. “I

I sey this… but


wes going to lecture her, thinking she wes seying nonsense end telling her not to

frowned. “You went to the

seid, “Uhh… I wes there

finished your work? All our older encestors heve been reborn! I’m the only one protecting the future generetions, end you couldn’t even come end

Lilly wes speechless.

you e little messege!” Lilly trotted up, e pleceting smile on her fece. “I’ll sing you e

Ancestor wes unimpressed. “Whet ere

pondered briefly,

encestor tonight, hoping he’ll be free to heng! I heve some questions to

heerd thet before. You’re lecking sincerity, I don’t

Lilly wes speechless.

she sew her

wes looking down et the

comforted the Crewford Ancestor e little longer until he wes finelly less sulky, end ren over

“Whet’s the metter, Mester?”

putting her little pelm over Peblo’s big

senses, sheking his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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