Moonlight: [This is so sour! Even security guards are riding BMWs! All these luxury cars on the streets, what will happen if I own one too!]

Sunset: [Yeah, that’s right! So what if every security guard has a BMW? So what if they buy land to build a wedding venue? So what if they have an 80-million-dollar wedding dress? (laughs with tears)]

Sunflower: [Does the Crawford family need a dishwasher? I can sweep the floors too!]

Dandelion: [Me! Me! Me! I can clean the toilets!]

Moon & Star: [Some people just can’t maintain their dignity! Does having money mean you have to abandon your pride? Have some shame! Get lost, let me handle this.]

In every live-streaming room, the appearance of the Crawford family instantly skyrocketed their popularity.

As the car door at the forefront opened, the groom stepped out and extended his hand to help the bride out of the car.

Lisa was nervous, and the narrow car door made her worried about scraping her diamond.

As she got out of the car, she stumbled and plunged directly into Anthony’s arms.

The force pushed Anthony two steps backward.

“Cough…” Anthony finally managed to stop, nearly coughing up his lungs.

Lisa looked up with an apologetic expression. “I’m sorry!”

Anthony couldn’t help but smile and gently patted her head. “No need to apologize.”

The live chat was quiet for several seconds. Why? Because everyone was taking screenshots…

screenshots, the live

this the groom!? Is this

man, and a cute, lovely wife! Ahhh! Truly a perfect match for

dropped my melon seeds! Then I picked them up again! I got so excited that my mom asked why I was screaming while watching a

Lisa’s hand and slowly walked towards the dreamy rose

family came out of the

fans, and they were more excited than

golden boy of

across the internet: Not a single

up placards: “Wishing happiness and eternal

have thought it

scene was indeed bustling and

the crowd, following the guests

receiving the guests.

scattered around, exchanging greetings

deliberately avoided these areas. With such a grand wedding, the Crawford family had invited many guests, and naturally, there was a distinction between the familiar VIPs and the ordinary

party or the bride’s party?” The etiquette hostess politely asked the

party, a distant relative

hostess nodded, “Alright, please register on

many people, many were trying to

invitation. Even if she wanted to fake one, she couldn’t because each

I forgot to bring it, but you can call Miss Hannah from the

sorry, without an invitation, you cannot enter. Alternatively, you

angrily lowered her voice, “What do you mean? Look down on me, huh? Who do you think you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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