Chapter 1051 Blake’s Journey to the Underworld

The cat was on the verge of showing Blake its true colors.

But suddenly, Blake spoke up again, “Wait a moment. You can snatch it after I’ve rested.”

The cat remained quiet.

Humans are so shameless. Who would let their opponents rest during a fight?

However, the human before it fell asleep.

I’ve never been more speechless.

However, it truly desired the dried fish.

The ruler of Gray Earth world had given orders not to attack, rob, and harm humans without cause.

They were phantom cats. Humans had ways of distinguishing between good and bad people, but for phantom cats, many of the criteria used to differentiate between good and bad people did not apply to them. No matter how wicked humans were, there would be good aspects to them, and no matter how virtuous humans were, there would be a darker side.

Thus, they had their own set of criteria to differentiate them.

Clearly, this human before it was not evil.

Even if it wanted to “rob” the little dried fish, it could only wait for Blake to wake up.

The cat remained in this state, gritting its teeth, and glared at Blake indignantly.

Blake did not know how much time passed, and when he woke up, he felt refreshed. However, not far away, there was a cat squatting and staring at him intensely.

Blake rolled over and sat up, raising an eyebrow as he said, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

The cat infuriated, let out a garbled series of meows, “Mrow, meow, meow!”

was not staring at Blake eagerly; it was glaring at him

talk. He simply beckoned with his hands, saying, “Come on, snatch the dried fish, and

relentless, challenging the cat repeatedly and pushing himself to new limits,

its meaning as Blake practiced, slept, and practiced again. In this

reaching a point where he could move as fast as the speed of sound.

been training for around ten days, but he soon lost track of time. completely absorbed in

he managed to grab


The cat exploded in

this foolish human touch its tail!

cat turned and charged

improved skills. His arm moved like lightning, seizing the back of the cat’s neck with a single


would find it difficult to resist when it was caught by

body and attempted to kick Blake’s face with its hind legs. Yet, for some reason, its legs were caught and twisted, leaving it to struggle

I’ll twist you into a

a distinct change in Blake’s

cat struggled, unable to understand how its limbs had been immobilized.

It cursed, “Meow!”

before him. It appeared no different from any other cat in the mortal world, but its

appeared deceptively large. However, upon holding

its mouth did not

me, I’ll make you shut

cat stared back and continued

out a dried fish and placed it in

cat fell silent.

made the cat stop

cat was stunned.

let you go and give you all the dried fish, but don’t scratch my face again.”

find a wife when I

a disdainful look, but fortunately, Blake kept his promise, released

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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