El enigmatico regreso
Capítulo 91-100
Capítulo 91
Zúñiga estaba confundida, pero siguió la corriente de los
trillizos. Pronto llegaron al Hotel Loyal. Siguieron
la señal del rastreador y llegaron al
piso veintiocho. Había dos hombres vestidos de
negro custodiando la puerta al final del pasillo.
¡Oh, no! ¡Ese es el cuarto donde está mamá! ¿Quién
encerró a mami? ¿Qué querrían de ella?
Los trillizos guardaron silencio, ansiosos.
Mientras dudaban sobre qué hacer,
se abrió la puerta al lado de la habitación de mamá. ¡Eran Roxanne
y Susan! Los trillizos y Zúñiga se escondieron
rápidamente detrás de la esquina.
Capítulo 91 ¡No rescatamos más a mami!
Susan se burló: “¡Fue demasiado fácil atrapar a esa perra!
¡Debería impedir que Alfonso le dé esas joyas!
¡Vale cincuenta millones de dólares!
Roxanne la consoló alegremente: “Mamá, recibiremos
millones de dólares después de que esa perra se case: ¡
con el hombre efímero de la familia Beauvort! Papá
podría comprarte uno mejor después de eso. Todo lo que tenemos
que hacer es asegurarnos de que no se escape; ¡Debemos
pasar el día!
Susan ascendió. “Tienes razón, pero todavía no estoy
satisfecho. La familia Beauvort es la
familia más rica de Kingsview. ¡La novia podría disfrutar de una
cantidad inimaginable de riqueza después del matrimonio! Si
no fuera por el estado de salud de Jean, nunca
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Capítulo 91 ¡No rescatamos más a mamá!
¡Envía a esa perra! ¡Deberías ser tú quien
se case!
Roxanne suspir.
¡Yo también quería casarme con un miembro de la familia más rica! Sin embargo, ¡no quería quedar
viuda a una edad tan joven! Se estaban mientras hablaban.
Los trillizos y Zúñiga dejaron de esconderse después de unos
minutos. Estaban perdidos en sus pensamientos, Jean. ¿Se
refieren a papá? ¿Esas mujeres malvadas están
conspirando para obligar a mamá a casarse con papá? Los
trillizos se miraron incrédulos. Esto es demasiado
bueno para ser verdad, ¿verdad? ¿Aún rescatamos a mami si
esa es la verdad? Era su deseo que mamá y
papá se casaran. ¡No rescatamos
más a mami!
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Capítulo 91 ¡No rescatemos más a mami!
Zúñiga entró en pánico. “¿Qué debemos hacer ahora?
Estaban hablando de la señora García, ¿no?
¡Deberíamos informar a la policía si estaban encerrando
a la señora García!
Harvey sacudió la cabeza con calma y dijo: “No por el
momento. Reclutaríamos a alguien para
investigar este asunto. Aunque mami estaba
encerrada, tenían que cuidarla antes de
casarse. Ella todavía está a salvo ahora”.
Chapter 92 We Want a Daddy and a Home
Chapter 92
Zuniga was successfully persuaded by them.
The triplets went straight to the front desk and said,
“Hello! Pretty lady!”
The receptionist couldn’t resist their charms; she
smiled softly and asked, “Hello there. Is there
anything I can do to help?”
Sammy asked cutely, “Can you tell us which floor
the wedding banquet of the Beauvort family and
the Garcia family is on?”
Penny was a sweet talker, “We are the relatives of
the bride’s family; we are here to see the venue in
advance. Please tell us; you are the best!”
Chapter 92 We Want a Daddy and a Home
The receptionist was fooled by their cuteness; she
answered, “Mr. Beauvort and Ms. Roxanne’s
wedding banquet will be arranged in the banquet
hall on the third floor. You can reach there by
taking the elevator.”
The triplets were surprised that the wedding was
true but puzzled at the same time. Did she say the
bride’s name was Roxanne? What does it have to
do with Roxanne?
Harvey asked again, “Are you sure it’s Roxanne?”
The receptionist smiled and said, “Yes, I am. That’s
what is written on the invitation card.” The triplets
thanked her again and left in confusion.
Chapter 92 We Want a Daddy and a Home
Sammy and Penny questioned, “Harvey, isn’t the
wedding between Mommy and Daddy?”
Harvey said, “Based on my analysis, it’s probably
Roxanne who refused to marry Daddy. Which is
why they kidnapped Mommy to marry him instead.”
Sammy and Penny said, “If that’s the case, should
we rescue Mommy?”
The Garcia family accidentally did something
good. They matched Mommy and Daddy up! The
triplets had given up their plan to get Mommy out.
Zuniga overheard everything, and she was puzzled.
Why are they hesitating to save their mother now?
Who is the dad they were talking about? She said,
Chapter 92 We Want a Daddy and a Home
“We should save Ms. Garcia! She is illegally
imprisoned, and the Garcia family is committing a
crime now! Let’s call the police immediately!” She
wanted to call 110, but the triplets stopped her.
“Auntie Zuniga, hold on a second. We knew that the
Garcia family’s intention was evil. However, Mommy
is marrying Daddy!” Penny said, looking perplexed.
Zuniga was startled by the word ‘daddy’ and said,
“Who is the daddy you guys are talking about?
What’s going on here?” She knew that Neera was a
single mother; she had never heard of her
Harvey quickly explained, “Mommy was pregnant
by accident; she didn’t know about Daddy’s
Chapter 92 We Want a Daddy and a Home
existence. We had discovered that Mr. Beauvort is
our daddy! We want them to be together! We want
our family to be complete! Mommy didn’t know
about this, though, and we had no intention of
telling her. Auntie Zuniga, you must keep this a
Zuniga was astounded by the information. Seeing
their pleading eyes, she couldn’t stop them at all.
Chapter 93
Neera is still patiently anticipating the arrival of the
triplets. She waited until nightfall, but no one came
at all. She was aware that the kids were being
watched and might not have the chance to do
anything. She couldn’t help but worry if Alfonso had
mistreated them.
The bodyguards stopped her from leaving; they
said, “Mr. Alfonso has an order that you are not
allowed to step out of the door; you better stay
Neera glared icily at the two and said, “I want to talk
to Alfonso.”
The bodyguard firmly answered, “Mr. Alfonso is not
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Chapter 93 Sending the Illegitimate Children Away
in the hotel right now.”
“Then give him a call!” Neera remained unwavering
and said, “Otherwise, I have several ways to seek
help. You and Alfonso will both be held
accountable for your actions!”
The bodyguard hesitated because of Neera’s
threat and dialed Alfonso.
Neera sna tched the phone and yelled angrily,
“Where are my children?” as soon as the call was
Alfonso replied displeasingly, “There is nothing to
worry about! Keep in mind what you must
accomplish, and nothing will happen to them!
Chapter 93 Sending the Illegitimate Children Away
“I don’t trust you. Let me talk to them! If not, you
better be prepared!”
Seeing that Neera didn’t back down, Alfonso yelled
angrily, “Neera, you better know your place! I am
the one ordering you now! Get married tomorrow if
you truly want all three of them to be safe and
sound! If not, I will send them away, and you won’t
ever see them again!” He hung up the phone.
Neera’s expression turned gloomy and murderous.
Alfonso was actually flustered and not at all as
composed as he had been on the phone. He was
walking back and forth in the study room; he could
throw the ashtray at the bodyguard’s face anytime.
Chapter 93 Sending the Illegitimate Children Away
He yelled, “Seven adults! How could you lose track
of the kids? A bunch of useless trash!”
Neera’s identity would be exposed sooner or later if
she married into the Beauvort family. He had
prepared to quibble that they used Neera’s
horoscope in the first place. However, they couldn’t
explain where those illegitimate children came
money after learning about their existence. Who
would have guessed that the three kids would
actually vanish?
Alfonso gritted his teeth and roared angrily, “What
are you still doing here? Daydreaming? Get out
and keep looking for them! Check the Imperial
Gardens to see if they have returned! You are all
Chapter 93 Sending the Illegitimate Children Away
fired if we can’t find them tonight!”
The triplets and Zuniga stayed at the Loyal Hotel
while the bodyguards of Alfonso went to Imperial
Gardens to locate them. They had already decided
not to rescue Mommy for the time being and would
instead keep an eye on how tomorrow’s wedding
was going.
Jean, who was located in the Clarest city, calmly
listened to Frederic roaring angrily on the phone,
“Jean, you tried everything to avoid this marriage!
How dare you go on a business trip now?”
why don’t you find another man to marry that woman?” 1/5 Chapter 94 How Fierce, but I Like It! Frederic yelled, “This is such a bad idea! Who owns the engagement if I find another man to replace you?” 2/5 “Of course it’s considered to be theirs. Dad, you can be the cupid of their marriage, isn’t it great?” “You ba stard!” Wrenn’s voice could occasionally be heard on the other end of the phone, attempting to calm Frederic down as he was in a rage. The call ended in a mess. On the other hand, Neera was having trouble falling asleep at the Loyal Hotel. No one could remain calm after experiencing what she experienced. She was concerned about the triplets’ plight too. 11:06 Fri, 18 Aug Chapter 94 How Fierce, but I Like It! 3/5 She stared at the ceiling blankly, and unexpectedly, the door opened. It was Zachary! Neera scowled and asked, “What are you doing here?” with an icy expression. He grinned and said, “You are getting married tomorrow; I just wanted to say hi.” Neera sneered, “Get out; there is nothing to talk about between me and you.” Zachary ignored her cold attitude and stared at her recklessly. “You have changed significantly since we last spoke. What a cold attitude. Why did you change from how you used to follow me around all the time? Did your sugar daddy change you?” Chapter 94 How Fierce, but I Like It! Neera was stunned. “Sugar daddy? What are you saying?” 4/5 Zachary said firmly, “Why are you
different types of self-defense powder in it. She hasn’t used it since it was developed. Unexpectedly, it came in handy here. 2/5 “You must feel weak now, right? Do you think a scu mbag like you deserves to touch me?” She murmured sarcastically as she cast chilly eyes over Zachary. She kicked Zachary hard. Zachary longed to run away, but he was completely immobile. He was unable to even muster the energy to stand up before collapsing to the ground. He squirmed on the ground like a maggot. He erupted in fear and yelled, “Neera, how could you? Quickly give me the antidote! You b*tch…” Neera sneered, “The antidote? There is no cure for this!” I didn’t even try to develop it! “Mr. Zachary is drunk; why don’t you hurry and get him out?” Neera said to the bodyguard at the door, “How can this scu m break into my room when I’m the Beauvort family’s soon-to-be daughter-in-law? Can Alfonso bear their wrath?” The bodyguard hurried in and took Zachary out. Neera was left alone in the room. She thought Zachary was contaminating the air, and it smelled disgusting. She was satisfied after spraying the room with disinfectant. 11:08 Fri, 18 Aug Chapter 95 Not a Pla yboy Anymore When Roxanne learned that Zachary had broken into Neera’s room in the middle of the night, she started to shake with rage. She was ignoring the fact that Zachary wanted to sleep with Neera the whole time. I couldn’t care less as that b*tch was 4/5 set to wed into the Beauvort family, since I am getting engaged to Zachary. She yelled, “What a b*tch! Why did she return from overseas? How dare she seduce my man? I am going to rip her off!” Roxanne wanted to rush to Neera’s room, but Susan stopped her. “Roze, calm down!” Susan said. “How can I stay calm?” Roxanne wished she could devour Neera raw. Chapter 95 Not a Pla yboy Anymore 5/5 Susan comforted her, saying,
to take Neera away.” Roxanne gloated; she couldn’t wait to see Neera make a fool of herself. How embarrassing it is when the groom doesn’t show up and the bride gets Chapter 96 The Wedding married alone! 2/5 94 Neera’s door was opened again around three
Neera had put on stunning bridal makeup and abridal gown. She was breathtakingly gorgeous.
The makeup artist exclaimed as she gazed at her
creation, “Ms. Garcia, you are a natural beauty. Your
makeup and dress enhance your beauty! You are
the most gorgeous bride I have ever seen!”
Neera looked at herself in the mirror, feeling
Chapter 96 The Wedding
dissatisfied. I am not interested in being the most
gorgeous bride! Obviously, the more hideous, the better! After the makeup team left, she purposefully painted numerous freckles on her face and a large
black mole on the corner of her mouth. Anyhow,
she had a veil to hide her face; if she reveals it at
the wedding banquet, it will undoubtedly be a hit!
My ‘husband’ better be turned off after looking at
my face! I hoped he would run off on the spot. The
Garcia family will not be getting any money!
The night passed as Neera took a nap.
The next morning, according to the schedule that
Neera had seen before, the wedding should have
started at ten. However, no one showed up. She
11:09 Fri, 18 Aug
Chapter 96 The Wedding
discovered that there was another team of
bodyguards standing at the door. Compared to the
bodyguard team from yesterday, they appeared to
be far more powerful.
“Hasn’t the wedding started yet?” she asked.
The body stood upright and said stiffly, “The
wedding has already started. Please wait in the
Neera was shocked. A wedding started without a
bride. What on earth is this?
The triplets were waiting in the banquet hall’s
corner. Unexpectedly, after the wedding began, the
Chapter 96 The Wedding
bride and groom did not show up. They were
puzzled and disappointed. Mommy and Daddy are
indeed getting married today. Mommy has been
caught too; where is she?
They learned about the truth after repeating their
techniques and coaxing a waitress. It turned out
that the wedding could not go smoothly because
the groom was absent. They were just hosting the
guests as usual. The wedding had been simplified
and s kip ped to the last step.
The triplets were all in awe. Are they being serious?
This is outrageous! What a wedding!
back home!” Harvey soon came up with an idea, “Daddy is a workaholic; ordinary methods will definitely not work! I know what we should do now!” He leaned close to Sammy and whispered his plan. Sammy nodded in confidence, saying, “Sure, leave it to me!” They hurried home with Zuniga. The Beauvort Group was attacked by an unknown hacker, lan reported to Jean without delay, “Mr. Beauvort, our company information is suspected to Chapter 97 Let’s lure Daddy back have been leaked. The technicians are trying to rescue it, but they failed to kick the hacker out. Everyone is in chaos now.” Jean was leisurely taking a break. “Don’t bother about it. This is probably another trick played by Frederic to get me going back.” 3/5 Ian explained, “I suppose this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Frederic. He is going mad too! Not to mention that Mr. Frederic values the company; he would never bait
Alfonso, who was afraid that you would run away.” 1/4 Neera recognized the situation right away. But…. How on earth can anyone bind a bride to the bridal chamber? How rough and violent they are! The Beauvort family is the richest family in Kingsview; aren’t they ashamed of doing this? Chapter 98 Being Tied Into the Bridal Chamber Neera wished she could kick these folks, but it was 2/4 useless struggling. She could only reluctantly follow the bodyguards out of the room. Neera was sent to Villa No. 1 in the Imperial Gardens, and she had no idea about it. Jean rushed back from Clareston at three in the afternoon. He went directly to the company to solve the hacking incident. Frederic scolded him as soon as he saw him, “How did you dare to come back?” Jean nodded calmly. “Assuming nothing happened to the company today, you shall only meet me tomorrow.” Chapter 98 Being Tied Into the Bridal Chamber Frederic wished he could beat him up and yelled, 3/4 “Brat! Stop pis sing me off!” There were priorities; the company is what matters right now. He held back his anger for the time being and urged, “Hurry up and find out what’s going on. Try to minimize the company’s losses!” Jean went to the technical
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