El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 121-130

Capítulo 121
Isabella se sorprendió al escuchar
el tono confiado de Neera: “¿Cómo estás tan segura?”
Neera ahora se reía mientras le respondía: “Yo
fui quien le dio esos polvos. Se quedaría
lisiado pase lo que pase, así que, por supuesto, lo
Se corrigió a sí misma como si recordara
algo: “No debería decir que el efecto
definitivamente sería permanente, ¡pero el polvo que le di
lo convertiría en un hombre que nunca podrá
volver a ser normal!”
Isabella se sorprendió al enterarse de esto.
1168 Martes, 22 de agosto 60
Capítulo 121 Nunca volvería a ser normal
“Espera un minuto. ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Por qué quieres
decir que eres el culpable aquí?
9/2 Neera le resumió lo que le
había sucedido en los últimos días. Isabella se sintió abrumada por la conmoción y, finalmente, por la rabia cuanto más se enteró de lo que había sucedido. Golpeó la mesa con fuerza y ​​rugió: “¿Cómo pueden ser tan descarados los García? ¡Te amenazaron con la vida de los trillizos! ¿No temen en absoluto las represalias? Tu padre es realmente un hombre divertido. Quiere una vida rica pero no quería perder a su hija en manos de otra familia. ¿Está tan delirante hasta el punto de pensar que todo lo bueno del mundo le sucedería a él? Capítulo 121 Él nunca volvería a ser normal Después de maldecir a la familia García, volvió a dirigir su ira hacia Zachary: “¡Zachary también es un terrible imbécil 3/9 ! ¡Es una pena para mí siquiera pronunciar su nombre! Obligó a Roxanne a tus espaldas y negó que fuera a casarse contigo públicamente. El hecho de que estuviera trabajando en conjunto con Roxanne fue una bofetada enorme. Sin embargo, ¿cómo puede decidirse a volver contigo después de todo eso? Realmente no tiene ningún sentido de dignidad”. Neera respondió casualmente: “Me vio cuando compré mi auto la última vez y pensó erróneamente que ahora algún hombre rico está cuidando de mí. Por eso me trató como a una prostituta, pensando que con dinero se podía comprar mi servicio”. Isabella se sintió disgustada ante esa idea. OX Piel suave y brillante Fácil Marte Naturalmente Capítulo 121 Nunca volvería a ser normal “¿Puede ser aún más vil de lo que es ahora? ¿Por qué hay hombres como él en este mundo? Realmente es una pareja perfecta con Roxanne. Uno de ellos es un imbécil inmoral y el otro es una perra desvergonzada. Son realmente tan malvados y 4/9.

¡Es tan repugnante que ni siquiera quiero imaginarlos en
mi mente!
Neera recordó aquella noche en la habitación del hotel y
pensó que era realmente un recuerdo desagradable.
Rápidamente cambió de tema: “¿Cómo está ese paciente
ahora? ¿Se está recuperando bien?
Isabella intentó contener la respiración antes de responder:
“Se está recuperando bien, pero hay una
situación complicada en este momento. Desde
10 X
Piel suave y brillante
Comprar ahora
11:03 martes, 22 de agosto 0
Capítulo 121 Nunca volvería a ser normal
sabiendo que la Dra. Nancy era quien lo trataba,
la gente ha acudido en masa al hospital solo por
ti . .”
Neera sintió que esto no era un buen desarrollo:
“Entonces, ¿todavía eres capaz de enfrentarte a la multitud?”
Isabella respondió: “Estamos bien por ahora, pero si
el paciente se encuentra en una condición crónica o crítica,
es posible que necesitemos su servicio nuevamente. Sólo nos preocupa
tener que seguir molestándote…”
Neera descartó sus preocupaciones, “No te preocupes por
eso. Iré allí dos veces por semana. Puede
organizar tres cirugías en un mes y haré
todo lo posible para conseguir algo de tiempo para ayudarle”.
11:03 martes, 22 de agosto
Capítulo 121 Nunca volvería a ser normal
Isabella se sintió conmovida por los amables pensamientos de Neera. Ella
se maravilló de ella: “Neera, eres la mejor para mí…”
Al día siguiente, Neera envió a los trillizos al
jardín de infancia después del desayuno.
Los vio entrar al complejo de manera segura
antes de irse. Sin embargo, en lugar de regresar a su casa,
fue a la sucursal de Adriana.
El nombre de la empresa se llamaba Startales. Se
centró principalmente en productos de maquillaje y cuidado de la piel
. Fue popular entre el público.
Levi era el gerente aquí.
Era joven y guapo, y tenía
modales impecables. Realmente era una presencia relajante
, piel suave y brillante.
Capítulo 121 Nunca volvería a ser normal . 40% Levi solía cooperar con Neera cuando ella todavía estaba en el extranjero. Ahora que ella venía, él vino a darle la bienvenida personalmente. Siempre tenía esa brillante sonrisa plasmada en su rostro. “Neera, mucho tiempo sin verte. Escuché que has vuelto. Quería ir a buscarte al aeropuerto e invitarte a comer, pero me preocupaba que fuera demasiado repentino. Creí que tenías muchas cosas que atender ya que ha pasado tanto tiempo, así que no me puse en contacto de inmediato”.

Neera lo reconoció, pero no le dio ninguna respuesta
significativa . No tenía mucha experiencia en el departamento de relaciones, pero no se quedaba atrás. 8/9 Levi sentía algo por ella, pero no se podía decir lo mismo de ella. Ella siempre mantuvo una postura profesional cada vez que trabajaba con él: “No es necesario que me traigas para comer. Tenía algunas cosas que resolver después de regresar, pero las cosas están volviendo a la normalidad ahora, así que no tengo mucho tiempo libre”. Luego, fue directamente al tema principal, la razón por la que estaba aquí hoy: “Estoy aquí para hablar 11:03 martes, 22 de agosto 0,40% Capítulo 121 Él nunca volvería a ser normal 1 actualización de la aplicación disponible… Trendyol sobre la marca Departamento de preparación. Las acciones casi están aquí, ¿verdad? ¿ La empresa instalará algún mostrador de ventas en el corto plazo?

Chapter 122
Levi was familiar with her personality. He quickly
switched back to his working mode.
“Most of the stocks have already arrived, and the
remaining stocks will come in the next few days.
About the sales counter, I have talked to most
shopping malls but unfortunately, they did not give
us the green light.”
Neera was surprised to learn this, “Why?”
Levi spread his palms and said helplessly, “They are
asking for too much. The seven high-end malls in
Kingsview are all owned by the five main
corporations. They are aiming to introduce
11:03 Tue, 22 Aug 0
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
international brands and they are focusing on
luxurious brands. Although our brand enjoys a
good reputation in the international market, we
don’t really make the cut in terms of prestige and
price range.”
Neera frowned, “What do you mean the five
Levi nodded, “I’m talking about the Beauvort family,
the Husbolt family, the Kingston family, the
Alexander family, and the Crimea family. Among
them, the Beauvort family is the hardest to deal
Neera did not look so gloomy anymore upon
hearing that.
Chapter 172 jege Waste
So, he was saying that the Beauvort family was
hard to deal with?
That might not be true!
Levi was in the dark about her relationship with
Jean. He suggested, “Among those big names,
maybe we can start with the Crimea family. I heard
that they are more gentle.”
Neera rejected this suggestion immediately, “No,
we will start with the Beauvort family. If we cam
establish a relationship with them, the other
families would follow suit.*
Levi sank into silence and laughed dryly, “Neera, I
know you would say that, but the Beauvorts are not
22 Aug
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
40% 1
a kind bunch… We might run into various obstacles,
I reckon.”
Neera was not anxious at all. She answered
confidently, “Don’t worry about that. Just pass me
the documents. I will come up with something.”
Levi said nothing at this point since she sounded so
“Alright, I’ll ask someone to pass you the
documents later. Do you want to familiarize
yourself with our departments? You can see the
employees here as well!”
Neera nodded, “That’s fine by me.”
Levi then brought Neera to various departments
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
and introduced her to the employees.
“She is the CEO of our Asian branch as well as our
boss’ niece. She has been stationed overseas to
deal with the branch there as a manager. Now that
she is back, she will oversee our operations. Please
get to know each other as we will work together
from now on.”
Everyone directed their gaze at Neera and found
that not only was she pretty, but she also had a
confident aura to her.
Despite being young, Neera gave off a solemn and
business-like aura too. She was not a person to
joke with.
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
The employees felt refreshed as they greeted her,
“Good morning, Ms. Garcia.”
Neera nodded in response and gave a little speech
to clarify her stance about the company culture.
She left after that.
After the visits to the departments, she went home
with Levi’s planning documents.
In a study room on the second floor of the Imperial
Gardens, Jean was reading the accounting ledger
which had the records of all the expenditures of
Joanna’s research lab.
Jean only had one conclusion in mind after
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
reading it.
This was a huge investment that yielded little
Jean was getting annoyed. He tossed the ledger to
one side and said, “Don’t ever show me something
like this again in the future.”
lan was sweating nervously, “Yes, Mr. Beauvort.”
In a research lab that operated under the Beauvort
Group, Joanna stirred and woke up after a long
sleep. Then, she stepped into her office.
She immediately instructed her assistant to hand
her Jean’s readings of late.
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
The memory of her getting rejected by Jean was
still playing in her mind.
Whenever she thought about how Neera could
enter and leave Jean’s place as she pleased,
Joanna would feel an intense hatred.
She could not come to terms with the fact that
Neera was superior to her in terms of medical
proficiency! There was no way Neera could do
what she could not!
She must work hard so that she could gain Jean’s
However, as she reaffirmed her conviction, she
realized that her assistant was stuck to the floor,
11:04 Tue, 22 Aug
Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With
unmoving. She had a difficult expression on her
“Why aren’t you getting my files?” Joanna frowned.
“Ms. Bridges…” Her assistant began awkwardly, “Mr.
Beauvort has just given his newest order. From now
on, you don’t need to tend to his condition
Joanna froze, “What did you say?”
The assistant was sweating profusely, “Mr. Ian
ordered that everyone else will continue their
participation except for you. I am just passing on
the message.”

hapter 123
Joanna’s heart sank.
Was it because she could not produce any results
yet? So Jean was going to abandon her?
How could this be?
She had wasted two years of her time just for this.
There was no way all of her efforts were in vain.
How could Jean be so heartless?
Was Neera her replacement just because her
medication produced little result?
She began to ventilate and her face turned dark.
She wanted to rush to where Jean was right now
11:04 Tue, 22 Aug
Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him
and interrogate him.
However, she knew very well that Jean would turn a
blind eye to her no matter what she did!
She returned to her office in an extremely foul
mood. Spurred by anger, she swept everything on
her desk to the floor.
This was Neera’s fault!
Why did that b*tch have to take everything away
from her?
She could only calm down after a long time.
Despite that, she could not wipe away the
indignation in her heart.
11:04 Tue, 22 Aug
Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him
She would not accept this outcome and just sit still.
It seemed that it was time to pay Wrenn a visit…
In the afternoon, Joanna used the excuse of
treating Wrenn to enter the mansion. She carried
her medical box so that her excuse would sound
Wrenn was happy to see her, “You’re so thoughtful
for coming here personally.”
Joanna smiled, “This is part of my duty. What’s
more, it seems that Mr. Beauvort is in the pink of
health right now. I cannot be of any use to him
Wrenn was able to sense what she meant. She was
Soft, Glowing Skin
11:04 Tue, 22 Aug 0
Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him
very put off by her reply, “What do you mean? He
told me that he wanted you to continue to treat
Joanna looked at the floor. There was anguish in
her eyes.
“Maybe I am not a good enough doctor. He must
be disappointed in me.”
Then, she faked a forced smile, “But that’s fine, it’s
already rewarding enough for me to treat him until
now. Ms. Garcia must be a good doctor in her own
right since Mr. Beauvort is employing her now
instead of me. I can understand that.”
She let her voice trail off as she began to perform a
Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him
check-up on Wrenn.
Wrenn frowned, “What exactly happened? Why
would Jean not employ you? Are you telling me the
truth right now?”
Joanna pretended to mull over something.
Wrenn urged her and she finally spilled it. She
claimed that she was excluded from participating in his treatment.
Wrenn would never expect Jean to do something like this.
“That brat is too much!”
She wanted to get up to look for him now, “I will ask
him about this. No matter what, you were his
doctor for the past two years. How can he do this to
Joanna tried to stop her, “Madam, I think we should
just drop it. Based on my understanding of him,
maybe this will even irk him. He would hate me
even more. I…”
She bit her lips and her eyes turned red. She looked
pitiful right now.
Wrenn could not bear to see her being this sad,
“Although Jean did not really recover in the past
two years, I can see how hard-working you were. I believe in you more than Ms. Garcia. Do you intend
to give up like this?”
Gary M
Soft, Glowing Skin
Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him
Joanna whispered, “Madam, of course, I wouldn’t
want to give up my position, but Mr. Beauvort

doesn’t seem to trust me anymore. I have no other
way even though I am so anxious about it, unless…”
Wrenn took the bait, “Unless what?”
Joanna continued to look at the floor.
“Unless Mr. Beauvort can have faith again in my
skills. Perhaps he would want me to treat him
Wrenn thought about it and came up with an idea,
“This shouldn’t be too hard. Jean’s uncle is in
critical condition right now because of a persisting
illness. He is going to undergo liver surgery in the
Soft Glowing Skin
near future and the hospital told me that it is quite
risky. What about this? Take over that surgery, and
will ask Jean to come see you. By then, maybe I
can put in a word…
Joanna was elated to hear that
“Madam, you are too good to me. Thank you so
much. I will never let you down!”
Later, when Joanna was gone, Wrenn called Jean,
“Your uncle is going to undergo surgery tomorrow,
Come with me.”
Jean was not familiar with this particular uncle.
11.04 Tue, 22 Aug 6
Chapter 123 Putting in A Word To Convince Yom
However, their family had business ties with them,
and they are also blood relatives. He decided to
show some concern.
Wrenn replied, “He’s in quite a critical condition
right now, and he might lose his life. You should
come just in case.”
“Got it.”
Jean pinched his brows and got up. He walked to
the French window and said, “I have an
international meeting tomorrow. I will go after that.”

on her Soft, Glowing Skin Naturally OX Chapter 124 She face. “Ace, Cece, and Pixie. Come with me!” She stood up and summoned them. The dogs knew to understand instructions. They stood in a row and wagged their tails. Their tongues were hanging out of their mouths as they began to follow her. Neera led them to the hole which was sealed a while ago. She looked around the courtyard to make sure nobody was around. She was quite suspicious at the moment. After making sure she’s the only person there, she carefully opened the seal. Soft.Glowing Skin DX Merally Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive Behind her, the three dogs stared at her curiously. They were wondering what she had in mind. 3/10 After making sure the hole was big enough for the dogs to go through, she stood up and clapped. She then pointed at the hole and instructed the dogs, “Quick, go through that and have fun there!” It seemed that they understood her. They were even more excited now as they wagged their tails and waddled through the hole. They set foot on the green field and began to run amok… On the second floor, Jean hung up on his mother and saw the dogs running around. There was a STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 AusPak SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE OX APPLY NOW grave expression on his face. What was that woman thinking? lan was equally curious. He cleared his throat and asked, “Mr. Beauvort, do I need to rope the dogs in? They might destroy the courtyard.” Jean narrowed his eyes, “Wait. Let’s see what happens next.” He wanted to see what kind of trick this woman was going to pull! STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE OX APPLY NOW Neera waited for some time and as if on cue, she went to the next door to press on the doorbell. lan opened the door and produced a wide grin at her, “Ms. Garcia, what can I help you with?” Neera replied with an answer she had rehe ar sed just now, “The thing is, I found that my dogs dug a hole through that fence once again, and they are nowhere to be found. Maybe they are in your courtyard now. Did you see them around?” lan did not answer immediately. The corners of his mouth twitched as he pretended to know nothing, “I didn’t see them. Maybe I should look around? What about coming in first, Ms. STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2034 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE x APPLY Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive Garcia.” 6/10 That was what Neera was gunning for. She nodded and invited herself in. Jean was right next to the gazebo. Upon seeing her, he narrowed his eyes and asked, “What’s the matter?” Neera ignored the guilt in her heart and asked, “I am looking for my dogs.” A playful look appeared on his face. He answered coldly, “Go on, look for them.” Neera nodded and began

took out a diagnosis device. She checked his vitals once again. “How do you feel? Do you feel pain in these parts?” Jean’s face was taut, but his voice did not reflect his true sensation, “It’s painful, alright.” Neera was not happy to hear that. Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment “If you know that something’s wrong, you should tell me earlier! Based on my treatment, you should be fine at least for the coming ten days, but only a few days have elapsed, yet you are already feeling such pain. It’s sooner than I thought. It means that I need to adjust my treatment accordingly!” 2/9 Jean retrieved his arm and slowly rolled down his sleeve. He noticed that Neera was in a bad mood now. “It’s my fault this time. Sorry! Now, what should we do about this?” Neera glared at him, “Do you even need to ask? Of course, I need to tend to it as soon as possible! Let me give you a warning. You shall tell me every time STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 OX AusPak SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE APPLY NOW 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug O 40% Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment you feel pain like this. Otherwise, if our progress is affected, you will need to bear the consequences yourself!” 3/9 How could this man endure such pain wordlessly? He was really too reckless! Jean understood that she was serious about treating him, so he said nothing although her attitude left a lot to be desired. Neera stopped reprimanding him too. She could not delay the treatment anymore. After some hesitation, she finally stated, “We need to treat you tonight. We cannot delay this any further. I will go back and do some preparation, 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug 0 Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment and you will need to give me two hours.” 40 Jean would not take this lightly either since it was about his health, “Got it.” Neera completely forgot about her business for coming here in the first place. She was about to leave but Jean called out to her, “You don’t have anything else to say, do you?” Neera did not know what he meant, “What?” 4/9 Jean almost wanted to laugh upon seeing her innocent face. He decided to expose her, “You dug that hole to let your dogs come into my compound, and you pretended to come to look for them. What were you planning? Just tell me straight to my face. AusPak STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 SCUOLADOLIDO AU OX APPLY 40% Chap 125 Total Embar as s ment 5/9 I will give you a chance since you are going to treat me.” Neera was dumbstruck for some time and she finally realized that Jean actually knew what was going on the whole time. Her face immediately turned red. This was so embarrassing. Luckily, she did not panic. She calmed down and answered naturally, “Actually, it’s not a big deal. There’s some business that I want to talk to you about.” Jean raised his brows, “Is that all?” Neera nodded solemnly, “Yes, that’s all.” 11:05 Tue 22 Aug Chapter 125 Total Emba ra

for professional reasons, so you can say that…. We
are acquainted.”
Although she sounded natural, her heart was
She was not ready to admit that in fact, she was
none other than Nancy.
If he knew that she used to make him wait to no
avail at that time, he would definitely get revenge
on her!
Jean was still suspicious as he gazed at her
Neera was afraid that she would get exposed, so
she hastily added, “In fact, I can heal you without
Dr. Nancy’s help. You know my skills. I am not
bluffing at all. Of course, if there is some
complication, I would ask her for advice as well.
Don’t worry.”
Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment
She tried to make everything sound genuine. She
even convinced herself in the process.
Jean felt that something was off, but he also felt
that Neera had no reason to lie like that. He
decided to let this suspicion slide for now.

need to pay for three months’ worth of rental as compensation. What do you think?” Neera was actually not that spo oked by those scary terms and conditions. She did not feel unfair at all. In fact, she was impressed by his professionalism. “No problem. After all, we are only able to get in through connection. If we cannot convince you with our figures, I will feel shameful too!” She was always confident in herself. She always walked the high road. Jean was surprised to see her being so confident, Naterally OX Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him In More Ways Than One “Are you sure you want to settle the deal now? You 4/8 better think about the consequences. If news get out that your brand is banished from Beauvort World, your brand will have an extremely hard time establishing a reputation in Kingsview from that moment on!” Everyone knew how high a standard that the Beauvort Group held itself to. If a brand was banished from the Beauvort World, it was a sign to the other vendors and malls that this brand would be like a black sheep on the market. Neera knew the risks. She

making sure nothing was amiss. Jean had also signed his copy. He handed his copy to lan. When lan took the contract, he was impressed by Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him the whole situation. 4/8 For such a trivial matter, only Ms. Garcia could make Jean do this personally. His employees would be the ones dealing with such matters normally. Sometimes, Jean would not even know the details. Furthermore, Jean was infamous for abi ding by the rules strictly, no matter who the opposition was. It seemed that Dr. Garcia was special to him in some way… The triplets began to coo when they got the chance, “Uncle Jean, thank you for taking care of Mummy at work. She owes you one now!” Soft, Glowing Skin Naturally OX Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him Sammy said, “That’s right, you are our savior! We are lucky to meet someone like you!” Penny said, “Uncle Jean, we should have dinner tonight if you are free!” Jean did not know what to say as he was bombarded by their adorable voices. He rejected their goodwill albeit a little reluctantly, “This is nothing. It’s nothing that you should thank me so much for.” However, the triplets continued to make a ruckus as if they would continue to do so if Jean did not cave in. Harvey knew what to say at that moment as he Rs.250 off the first order! 5/8 11:07 Tue, 22 Aug Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him winked, “What do you mean that we should not thank you? Uncle Jean, with your position in the Beauvort World, so many international brands are competing to get a place there, yet you make an exception for Mummy. Of course, we need to thank you for that. Mummy always says that we should be grateful, don’t you think so, Mummy?” 6/8 He then looked at Neera as if it was the natural progression of their conversation. Neera was surprised but she would not get mad at him for being so cheeky. She could only nod albeit a little helplessly. “He’s right… I need

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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