Chapter 294

Darkness painted across the night sky, but Olivia wasn’t sleepy at all.

Lying against the window, she watched the cherry blossom tree

Snowball stretched its body lazily and scratched its nails under the tree

She had agreed to leave with Colin, but she was feeling uneasy for some reason.

She was aware that it was her best option.

The longer Jeff’s treatment was delayed, the more serious his condition would become.

Thus, her departure was the best option. Not only could Colin find Leo, but she could also receive treatments to cure her


However, something had been weighing on her chest after she made that decision,

It was as though there was a cloud of mist around her.

Olivia’s hunch kept telling her that something was off

Suddenly, a scream came from Colin’s room. “Don’t hit me?”

She hurriedly pushed the door open.

His room was a mess. He was hiding in a comer

trembling like a stray dog

“Colin, it’s alright. It’s me.” She carefully approached him

He hugged her instantly. “Olivia, I dreamed about the night my mother died. He was holding an iron while laughing like a devil ”

Olivia patted his uninjured shoulder. “It’s alright. It’s just a dream,

Feeling the temperature in her arms, she touched his forebeat. “You’re running a temperature Lie down

His wounds might be infected, hence the fever.

Olivia got busy as she tried to lower his body temperature

Colin was having a restless sleep. He kept holding her hand while calling het name

Looking at the pitiful young man, she realized that unfortunate people were the same

that she wasn’t having the

him company and took care of him. His

cascaded down

up only to see an empty bed. She

in the yard in a white shirt. He was standing under the cherry

pale, showing

upon him, and

a charming prince coming

rared me,

to have some fresh air.

haven’t completely recovered yet” she

worry. I loow where the line is

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

night sky, but Olivia wasn’t sleepy

against the window, she watched the

lazily and

had agreed to leave with Colin, but

was aware that it was

Jeff’s treatment was delayed, the more

Colin find Leo, but she could also receive treatments to cure


been weighing on her

as though there was a cloud of mist around

her that something

a scream came from Colin’s room. “Don’t hit

pushed the

hiding in

it’s alright. It’s me.” She

mother died. He was holding an iron while


in her arms, she touched his forehead.

wounds might be infected, hence

as she tried to

a restless sleep. He kept

at the pitiful young man, she realized that

having the worst life in

took care of him. His temperature only returned to normal after

morning sunlight cascaded down

empty bed. She

He was standing under the cherry

pale, showing no signs

upon him, and the cherry blossoms danced behind

charming prince coming right out

in relief. “You scared me, Colin.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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