Chapter 339


This area in the suburbs outside the city had been turned into a natural reserve some years ago. All of the inhabitants were moved a long time ago, so it became deserted over the years.

Some old abandoned buildings could be seen through the rain. There were also some crows on old electric poles.

Some noises could be heard amongst the thunder. It was like someone was setting off fireworks in the area. The noises were deafening.

Continuous gunshots followed the noises. The sound of gunfire disrupted the peace of the woods.

The underground base was thrown into chaos, and the speakers were blaring “Warning, danger!” on repeat.

Some giant screens revealed the situation outside. The base had been surrounded without their knowledge. Some drones were laying waste to the cameras outside. Static began to show up on the screens.

All the doctors in the labs were alerted. They came out and began pacing, saying, “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

Most of the people in the base were bookworms who were obsessed with their research. They couldn’t hold their own in a fight. They had no life skills other than doing research.

voice rang out.

This is a planned assault. They might be waiting for us at the end of the passage.

he had

eye, but he thought he had fooled Ethan. He was proud of it too. But

for words now. I’ll lead a team to attract their attention. The rest of you


tracks. His face was calm under the mask, but his voice was laced with bloodlust. “I don’t

no need for that. We don’t need to confront them. Take the drug and leave with

have to defy you

as a goody-two-shoes. He didn’t have

take Olivia from him after Ethan was dead. He

flames. The drones would fly over and open fire when they detected human activity. Some people didn’t even get

the base,

They were already surrounded.

were made when the base was first built, Colin gave up the chance to escape. He knew that this was the best shot he

before the cameras were destroyed. He got to the surface from another tunnel. It was the closest one to Ethan. It was the most dangerous place and the safest

being bombarded. The sound of explosives drowned out

Colin before he

it’s dangerous. Get out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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