Chapter 345

Chris’ words pulled Olivia back to reality.

She remembered the most crucial task at hand. It was the bone marrow test results. She quickly got off the bed.

Even though she didn’t want to donate her bone marrow to Chloe, she no longer had a choice. So, she got ready to donate her bone marrow.

Chris turned on the lights in the room. The sudden brightness caused Olivia to wince and cover her eyes with her hands.

She noticed a sealed paper bag in Chris’ hand after her eyes adjusted to the brightness.

With a serious expression, Chris said, “Olivia, I need to talk to you.”

Olivia saw his serious expression. It reminded her of a strict, disciplinary teacher. She wasn’t able to discern his intent right away.

She wondered if her bone marrow was incompatible.

“Okay,” she said.

Olivia sat down, and Chris sat right across from her.

“Mr. Carlton, you have a weighty tone. Is my bone marrow … not compatible?”

Chris sighed deeply, pushed the paper bag before her, and said, “Take a look for yourself.”

Olivia didn’t know what he meant by that. It felt like it wasn’t just about the bone marrow compatibility.

She wondered if he had found out about her cancer. But even so, he shouldn’t have such an expression.

Olivia opened the paper bag with reluctance. There were two reports in it. One was the bone marrow compatibility results. As expected, she wasn’t a match for Chloe. She had gathered that fact from Chris’ expression.

She picked up the second report. It was a paternity test report. This, she was surprised by.

She quickly skimmed through it and saw her and Chloe’s names on it. The result was they weren’t related. The news left her dumbstruck.

She was so fixated on Leia that she never stopped to think if she was Chloe’s biological daughter. The test results hit her like a ton of bricks. She was dumbfounded, and her head was in a daze.

Chapter 345


disbelief, “W-What’s

frail. His only hope was dashed. He looked like he had aged

a tired expression.

looked at every word

on her. She still couldn’t believe what

not be my mother’s

a match for Chloe’s. It’s normal for a child’s bone marrow

but the doctor who did the test found it weird.

confirmed that you’re not biologically related

anticipating the results for so long. Olivia was the

not match, Olivia wasn’t even Chloe’s

silent. Oliva took a long time to

got to see Chloe

informed that all of it had been a

over? More than a decade of waiting had

softly asked,

Chapter 345


Chapter 345

pulled Olivia back to

task at hand. It was the

got off the bed.

didn’t want to donate her bone marrow to Chloe, she

got ready to donate her

the room. The sudden brightness caused

sealed paper bag in Chris’ hand after her eyes adjusted to the

Chris said, “Olivia, I

his serious expression. It reminded her of a strict, disciplinary

her bone

“Okay,” she said.

and Chris

a weighty tone. Is my bone marrow

deeply, pushed the paper bag before her, and said, “Take a look for

didn’t know what he meant by that. It felt like it wasn’t just about the bone

her cancer. But even so, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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