Chapter 360

Olivia decided to stay at Ethan’s side for the time being. One of the reasons she did that was because he had the means to protect her.

The other was that Leia hated her. If she left, Leia would stop coming after her. She wanted to use Ethan to lure Leia out.

She didn’t tell Ethan that Colin was Leo yet. The current situation was still unclear. She had to keep an ace up her sleeve.

She was sure that Jeff was safe in Colin’s hands. She still needed him to operate on Jeff, so she didn’t want to anger him.

Olivia had slept through the day, so she didn’t feel sleepy at night. She still couldn’t get through to Colin’s phone.

Olivia pretended not to know his identity and sent him several messages. Other than him, Jack was also nowhere to be found.

She went to get some water at 2:30 am. She saw that the lights were still on in Ethan’s study. It seemed that he wasn’t sleeping either.

In the past, she would prepare some late-night snacks for him so that he wouldn’t have to work on an empty stomach.

now, she just drank her water and returned to her room. She treated him

following day, Olivia went to the hospital early

Other than seeing Chloe, Olivia also had her reasons for going to

rest. The fatigue was apparent on his

senses and looked at her. He

Come talk with Chloe for a bit. That’ll

the investigation into the postnatal care center

said slowly, “It’s not going too

Even if the owner of the business closed it down,

Chapter 360


years ago was less advanced. Even the medical records were handwritten. There

the same

caregivers and five babies died in

was faced with vast sums of compensation and massive public outcry. He was under tremendous pressure

frowned, saying, “That’s too much of a coincidence. I think it’s not

connected to the incident are either dead or have moved away. The

be at stake. If things continued this way, Chloe was as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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