Chapter 1597

Ethan led Leia out of the hospital, who was miserable. She only suffered from a minor injury as she was grazed by a bullet. But from the look on her face, it was as if she had been fatally wounded.

Staring into the space, she sat in the back seat without a word. She looked like she was on the verge of falling apart.

Hearing the truth had brought an overwhelming impact on her.

At this moment, she felt nothing but guilt and conflict. Lifting her head, she stared at Ethan in a daze.

"Ethan, so this is the reason why you didn’t kill me. You knew that this outcome would make me feel even worse than killing me."

Leia covered her face. Tears slipped through the gaps between her fingers. "I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted to help him, but what did I do? I nearly killed his own sister. Damn it!"

Seeing how Leia was blaming herself for everything, Ethan sighed. "I'm not a god, nor do I possess the skill of foreseeing the future. The reason why I didn't kill you was that I was hoping you could turn over a new leaf and make amends for your past mistakes."

were born into an extremely unhealthy family. Because of our parents, our mental condition isn’t the healthiest

no matter what kind of punishment Olivia inflicts on me. I deserve it. I'm only alive now to repent all my previous sins. 1 "A mistake is a mistake. I can't help you get out

Leia's eyes the moment she heard

his kindness go to waste. You must stay alive

the days back then were bad, you'll still be able

and live well." "You're right, Ethan. I have to stay alive, only then can I repay

so don't do anything to Jacqueline. This

listen to everything you say from now on." "You should get some rest for now. It'll be a

with Ethan, Leia stood

already had a plan

for a short while. That ray of sunshine guided me to where I am today,

had seen Avery undergoing treatment back on the island. After asking around, she found out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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