Chapter 1602

One billion dollars was equivalent to Jacqueline's entire savings.

If she coughed it up to help the Fordhams and couldn't take the money back in the end, her effort would all go down the drain.

However, Avery clearly said that he would hand over the company to her. In other words, she only had to spend one billion dollars to gain the company, which would bring her more profit in the future.

It was a huge bet.

To gamblers, the riskier the bet was, the more handsome and enticing the profit would be.

The possibility of losing the bet did cross her mind, but she knew Avery's character very well after having lived with the Fordhams for so long. He was a man of his word.

After weighing the loss and the profit she could earn, the latter seemed more enticing to her.

She had been plotting this for so many years. How could she give up on it so easily when the lion's share was just right within her reach?

It's a burden to you, isn't it? If only we hadn't applied for a loan from the bank for one

in trouble, it's my turn to do a favor. Don't worry, I have some savings. I earned some money

I want to rush you, but

is still purchasing more shares because they're afraid that we might turn the

me, Avery,"

company, I'll ask Dad to hand over

in return. I just want

Avery almost clapped his

discussion, she left in a

severely hurt by Leia. Although someone had taken Deborah away for safety, she was barely holding on to her life

stay out of

because she hadn't realized that the Fordhams had

her, they would've caught her once they found out

bite the bullet once more. When the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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