Chapter 1608

Henley and David were half-brothers, but Douglas was stricter toward Henley.

"Can’t you learn from David?"

"David is smart, but why do I have a stupid son like you?"

"Why can't you understand such a simple report? If you were David..."

Those were the words Henley heard the most.

He was always compared with David because he was the second son.

As the second son, Henley appeared so ordinary and was overshadowed by David.

Henley worked hard, but there was a huge difference between effort and talent.

David wasn't only smart; he was also a hard-working man.

so hard

became that pall of trauma clouding

This time, he

I guess I can just go straight to the point. Even if you've bought some shares, Douglas' shares are with US. You're bound to lose! So why make it

right, Uncle

father is Grandpa's biological son or not. We still share the same blood and the same grandmother. Grandma and Grandpa loved each other for many years. How could

Now that it's a huge and profitable company, you're trying to gain benefits from

coldly. "Let's not waste our

his legal


top lawyers in the whole world, possessing only

up to stand with the person they

air as though it was the period before

voice resounded. "Graham, I didn't know you hated me

That was David, who was announced dead due


to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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