Chapter 1613

David waved, motioning for his assistant to pour Linus tea.

David had finally regained his composure from the surprise.

The two brothers were next to each other. They looked so much alike.

Although one was involved in business while the other was in the military, the vibe they gave off was the same.

Olivia couldn't help but inwardly exclaim the wonders of genes. After all, David and Linus didn't share the same mother, and they hadn't lived together at all.

But when they sat together, they gave off the same air to others.

Meanwhile, Henley, who was also David's brother, began to panic the moment David showed up.

Linus' appearance made his stomach churn more. Henley was a bundle of nerves right now.

could clearly tell how flustered he was. He

to someone

at Henley. ‘ Henley, are you sure you want to compete for the company with me? I'm giving you one more chance. If you give up right now, I can pretend that

would always be David's younger brother. As the elder brother, he felt

You're the only one we can count on

also said, "You're the elder brother. They're your younger

such things, David would've protected the Fordham family because that was what

to Douglas, who pulled both David and his mother out of

to be grateful for. Having

Douglas provide the materials David and his mother needed, but Douglas also spent his time

perceived David as one

gave him enough reason to protect the

much Henley disliked him, he was worried that his true identity might bring the family and his mother

he built up his own business,

fulfill his duty as a son

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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