Chapter 1621

The Fordhams surrounded Jacqueline like menacing tigers. The briddling resentment in them was screaming to kill her.

David took a deep breath, suppressing the murderous intent in him." Jacqueline, I want you to tell us Toxic Hive's hiding spot and what Deborah has done all these years. I want you to lure her out too."

That was the only reason they let her live.

Jacqueline sneered. "You tried so hard to take away all my savings. I have nothing now, so what's the point of telling you that? It's just a matter of time before I die."

She was trying to guess what they plotting. "I do have all the documents and data from Toxic Hive. Unless you spare my life. I'll kill myself."

A clever person would always fight for a way to survive during hardships.

Like a seed on a cliff, she was determined to grow higher and higher no matter how bad the environment was.

It was unfortunate that she stooped so low just for her benefit.

morality and lost

mere monster

so many people all these years and yet you're asking us to spare your life? Not a chance! It's

of blood adorned the corner

no longer whined at her brothers. That was an act to maintain her

whining would no longer put her in favor, she wouldn't do

you call yourselves righteous when all of you are bullying a woman. Do you even call yourselves a man? No wonder your

to anger. "Jacqueline Fordham, do

difference between humans and beasts was


moment, the door opened to reveal a man

tall, but his

appeared delicate, but her expression expressed the same

me do it,” Leia

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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