Chapter 1628

Olivia looked at Jacqueline with a disdainful smile. "Scared? I thought you didn't feel fear. I won't kill you, Jacqueline Fordham. I'll make you watch your hard-won prizes vanish from your sight. You should know how it feels like to be at your wit's end."

"You can't do this to me, Olivia! This is torture! This is against humanity!"

"Humanity? Why should I treat you like a human?" Olivia yanked Jacqueline over by the wrist.

Jacquline couldn't break free due to the chains, and she was barely breathing from Leia's torture before Olivia's arrival. All she could do was to watch Olivia inject the cold liquid into her arm. The syringe soon emptied.

"I wanted to kill you even before I found out that you were my enemy." Olivia flung away Jacqueline's arm.

Olivia pinched Jacqueline's chin. "I know you're smart. Family is not the thing you care about the most. Love is not it either. It's an abundance of wealth and power. You worked so hard just to escape from poverty, that poor place you were born in.

it? Well, I'll

looked like? You've

don't know what I looked like in

her phone out. "Let

were photos of the young Jacqueline. However, the last few

Jacqueline's biological parents from the mountains! There were photos of her two younger brothers and elder sister too! Jacqueline recognized them at a

rural area. How did you find

You're so cruel, Jacqueline. You could've let them live a good life, but you didn't. Your younger brothers have never seen the world outside those mountains. They're so poor that they can't

to feed them? No way. Those two old fogeys almost strangled me to death because I was born a girl! Since they wanted a son that much,

the photos of your younger self and your family. I'll contact the best plastic surgeon for you. You

getting killed, seeing her old photos was more torturing

don't do this to me. Don't you want to know where Deborah is? I'll tell you! I'll tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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